The Ongoing Problem of Race In Y.A.: Being a person of color myself and the author of a YA novel which features a black protagonist, I definitely related to most of the issues raised in this article
Hmmm,Magic Under Glass looked interesting but I passed it by because it looked really white.May have to give it a gander.
The way race is dealt with in the media has convinced me to just do the best I can self publishing when I go back to writing original fiction. Thanks to technology you no longer have to play their game.
"White readers have to be eased into identifying with characters who aren’t white, so she waits to deliver the information that a character is of color until the reader is already hooked into the story."
For some odd reason, I love this writing tactic she (LeGuin) used in her works. I'm wishing there was an equivalent to it in comics/manga and other visually-related works which feature POCs as the main protagonists.
Comments 2
The way race is dealt with in the media has convinced me to just do the best I can self publishing when I go back to writing original fiction. Thanks to technology you no longer have to play their game.
For some odd reason, I love this writing tactic she (LeGuin) used in her works. I'm wishing there was an equivalent to it in comics/manga and other visually-related works which feature POCs as the main protagonists.
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