Title: The Funeral: Chapter 8 Authors: shelbecat and rachel_wilder Rating: T (aka PG-13) Summary: Continuing from Reunion and The Wedding, we follow our characters through the highs and lows of a five year span until we reach The Funeral.
Oh, it's over. I really enjoyed it and this last section was very touching with the eulogy and all. And I liked Tim/Tyra and Jason/Lyla reconnecting. I also thought Buddy was exactly the sort of thoughtless-when-he-speaks-but-he-means-well character that he is on the show. I enjoyed the Reunion trilogy. Thanks for the ride.
thanks so much for a great story! Any chance of another related story? I have sincerely loved reading this trilogy and thank you for hours of shameless entertainment!
I love, love love it. I can't believe it's the end, though :( Are you guys planning on writing a new triology or something. Please do, and if you ever consider it please let it be Tim/Tyra & Jason Lyla as couples.
What a great story! And what a great ending, with Tami, because I think Tami Taylor is truly the heart of the show. This was a great read, and helped relieve some of my withdrawal symptoms since I finished the s3 DVDs!
Comments 13
I am so devestated that this is over. I truly enjoyed every twist and turn much to my discomfort sometimes.
And killing Landry gave me a whole new appreciation for his character too. And that's amazing.
I thought you were down with the Landry lovin'
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