[smiles at him again and doesn't know why she feels so nervous- maybe it's because she hasn't seen him in so long] Anyway, the new place feels bigger. Less people and all. [she knows she's babbling but can't seem to stop] More privacy too. I'm sure you'll like it.
... God, I need a cigarette.
Go ahead, you look stressed. I wish I could have told you I was going, but it was just so sudden, I didn't have a choice.
I really missed you, though.
[she relaxes a little after the first few puffs and reprimands herself silently for forgetting her pack at work]
It's okay; it wasn't your fault. This place is strange like that, people popping up and then disappearing again.
I've missed you too... a lot.
It feels good to be back home with you.
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