Hey guys. This is Ketsu-mod with a journal mainly for testing this character out. This Leo is from a Code Geass AU, where he's Suzaku.
...trust me, Lance and I have worked this out. It totally works.
More info on the universe is available on
attempted_loops's profile page, though that mainly focuses on Russel and Fletcher (aka Lelouch and Nunnally), so there's not much on Leo's history. Basically, though, his father, an Amestrian general, supposedly committed suicide during the disaster that was the Ishballan uprising, and Rick wound up dying somehow as well. Not wanting to see any more people get killed uselessly, Leo actually joined the Amestrian military. Among his superiors it's common knowledge that he's half-Ishballan, but he usually wears sunglasses anyway.
He'll recognize Russel and Fletcher (especially Russel, since he's from after meeting him during their AU's analog of the first episode and is therefore nursing a gunshot wound in one side but it's not that bad rly). He would probably recognize some members of the military (but not Ed or Al, since they're just generic students at Russel and Fletcher's school).
That was way too long for an OOC introduction. Anyway, here's hoping this doesn't fail.