Title: The Better Woman
alia_aeterna Rating: PG13 for some swearing
Characters/Pairings: Riza Hawkeye and Rebecca Catalina
Summary: Strangers are just friends waiting to happen.
Notes: Word Count- 2,457
Rebecca Catalina’s first day at the East Academy was the stuff of legends, or so she thought wryly. )
Comments 3
Over the weeks, Rebecca’s aim improved and Riza’s confidence grew.
Equivalent exchange! And I love Riza's "Let them have their hollow victory" line in the academy story. Sounds so much like her
The second one is cool, too -- interesting to get more detail on how Mustang's spy ring works!
Interesting look at the workings of Madame Christmas' intelligence ring though Hawkeye might be a bit too visible for her excursion into it.
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