Title: Letter from Xing Author: Goldfishlover73 Series: Brotherhood Rating: G Characters: Ling, Edward Word Count: 200 Summary: There are strange noises coming from Al's wing of the castle. Ling is very concerned. ( Read more... )
Though, over the past few months, there has been talk in the castle.
Real quick, considering Xing is based on China I think the Chinese have palaces and not castle? Otherwise, this is very cute. Haha Ling worried about the many cats Al has and Ed chuckling over it. Great work!
I KNEW IT WASN'T RIGHT!! Man! Thank YOU! I kept trying to think of what they were called! But I couldn't find the word! p:
I was also going to put in the letter "I know what people think and no-we don't eat cats" but I felt it might have been a bit tooo much. XD I'm glad you liked it!
Pffffft I died when Ling said there were 16 cats. I can just imagine Ling with this extremely grave look on his face, writing this letter to Ed. And then Ed writing, "Don't worry...it's what Al does," in response was hilarious. Great job!
Comments 8
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Real quick, considering Xing is based on China I think the Chinese have palaces and not castle? Otherwise, this is very cute. Haha Ling worried about the many cats Al has and Ed chuckling over it. Great work!
Man! Thank YOU! I kept trying to think of what they were called! But I couldn't find the word! p:
I was also going to put in the letter "I know what people think and no-we don't eat cats" but I felt it might have been a bit tooo much. XD
I'm glad you liked it!
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