Title: Last Resort Series: Manga Word Count: 276 Characters: Riza Summary: She’s just doing her job Warning: Depression, hints of substance abuse and self harm
This is a depressing prompt week. That being said, I like this despite the sad. I can't imagine how hard that must have been for all the characters who were in Ishval. :(
Writing Ishval (and specially Roy and Riza in Ishval) has become a rather depressing habit of mine. Mostly because the more I wrote it, the more I think is left out and needs to be written. I would say Ishval is the lowest point in their lives and the driving force behind all the incredible sacrifices they make for their country later on. So my muse tries to portray the sufficient hell they must have gone through. XD
As a person who has never been in combat (or in the military), I've wondered how a person manages to deal with trying to kill other people. The psychological mechanisms can't be very helpful. I can see how chemicals might help a little. And, yet, the wars never end. Fine fic!
Yes, in my mind she dropped that habit (along with several others) when her back was burned. I see her as thinking she needed that to stop being the Hawk's Eye only and to start being Riza again. Of course that never truly happened but the ritual somehow helped her regain her sanity.
Damn. That war is sure not healthy for everyone (unless you're Kimblee. >.>; ). I also think Riza will break off that habit when she gets back at Amestris. Great work!
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