Week 168 Submit

Nov 26, 2007 08:09

So sorry for the delay. I decided not to do a theme last week due to busy Holidays, but forgot to post about that.

This week is a word theme- Light.

The word Light must be featured on the icon- or any derivative of it (light, lighten, lighter, etc).

You may enter up to TWO icons.

Before you submit, please check out the rules in the user info.

You have until 9 p.m. US central time on Friday night to get your icons in, and at that time I'll be setting up the post. (Which will conclude on Sunday night.)

So comment to this post (make sure you're signed in- comments will be screened.) with the following information:

Your icon submission: < img src= " url goes here " > (remove spaces)
URL of icon:
Anything else I may need to know:

Have fun everyone, and good luck. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. ^^

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