May 16, 2011 00:01

Please copy and paste the code at the end of this post into a comment, and fill it out. All comments are screened, so only the moderators will see your sign-up.

A few notes: Make sure you're logged in with the LJ you want your fic or art to be attributed to. Please see the FAQ and the Character List if you have any questions, and please feel free to email if there's anything left unanswered!

Please offer at least four characters. You're more than welcome to offer Any, or to offer Any Except characters you aren't willing to write.

Prompts: You need to provide at least two; you may provide up to four. These can be as detailed or as vague as you want, within reason -- your writer would probably rather you provide a jumping-off point rather than a detailed outline of a fic or precise description of a picture. Yes, you can list more than one character in a prompt!

We ask that you restrict your first two prompts to characters from the Official Character List. In your third and fourth optional prompts, you're welcome to request more minor or speculative characters -- nameless cameo characters, offscreen wives and mothers and daughters, whatever you like. You're also welcome to stick to the official characters for all your prompts! See the Official Character List or the FAQ for more details.

Pinch-hitting: This simply signs you up to be on our list of people emailed in case anyone defaults on a fic or art request. You will then be able to claim a request if you so desire. Saying yes does not obligate you to claim any.

Yes, you CAN sign up to be a pinch-hitter without signing up for the rest of Ladyfest! Just comment to this post saying so.

Timeline: Sign-ups are open May 16 through June 3 (at 12 midnight EST). See the timeline for further details. Sign-ups are currently CLOSED.




Other Contact Info (optional):

Offering fic, art, or either?

Offering to write or draw characters:

NOT willing to write or draw (e.g. non-con, NC-17, etc):

Other notes (e.g. offering manga only or Brotherhood only, not yet read/watched the ending, etc):

Willing to be a pinch-hitter?

Requesting fic, art, or either?

Prompt 1 (must include a character from the official list):

Prompt 2 (must include a character from the official list):

Prompt 3 (optional):

Prompt 4 (optional):

NOT interested in receiving (e.g. non-con, NC-17, etc):

Other notes (e.g. interested in manga only or Brotherhood only, not yet read/watched the ending, etc):

If you want to see a sample sign-up, check out the one unscreened comment on this post for an example.

Edit: Please be aware that as of the time I posted this, LJ doesn't seem to be auto-screening comments right. We will be watching like hawks Xingese bodyguards to pounce upon any visible comments and screen them ASAP, for as long as the trouble persists! But for the time being, do keep that in mind, especially during late nights EST. Edit 2: It seems to be working now! Fingers crossed, my friends. We'll keep an eye out to make sure everything stays in order, anyway.

**sign-ups, **information, **moderator post

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