Title: Let’s Pretend It’s Christmas Morning
chobot_so_hotSeries: Anime
Word Count: 194
Rating: G
Characters: Alphonse
Summary: Alphonse is a naughty, eager boy
Warnings: Trisha's alive!
Alphonse finds it sitting innocently enough, front and center, a small red wrapped box tied up in white ribbon. Sleep forgotten, his chubby four year old legs carry him over to the glowing tree in their house. He arrives eventually, tiny hands reaching out, skin and nails and saliva touching paper, smooth and clean. It doesn’t crinkle under his touch, doesn’t give him away. Just the squeak of skin sliding dry on dry surface.
The ribbon is soft, Al thinks as he touches the loop de loop resting at the very top middle center. Not soft like worn cotton, soft like silk sliding in his hand, water or soap that slips through his fingers. And it’s pretty; it’s all pretty white and red. The tree is green, whiteredgreen of Christmas time. He’s curious, wants to rattle the box and see what sound it makes, but it’ll give him away and mommy said not until morning. So he puts the box down and waits, can’t sleep cause he’s so excited, so he’ll just wait and feel the silky white.
It catches, tugs, and falls limp on the floor. The top just lifts right off.