Title: Lover-Roy
Author: pedanticpigeon
Series: Manga/Brotherhood
Word Count: 250
Rating: PG
Characters: Roy Mustang, Maes Hughes
Warnings: None
A/N: Out of my five entries for this comm, this is my third one involving Roy. I'm very sorry for my constant usage of him, but he is just so difficult not to write. This is going to be the last one of him for a while, I promise.
The door of the academy’s infirmary slammed open, revealing a tall, overly-eccentric young man. “Roy! You’ve gotten yourself into another fight?”
“Dammit Maes,” responded the black-haired teenager to whom the named belonged to. He slouched at the edge of one of the mostly-empty medical wing’s beds, holding a bag of ice to his head. “Must you be so loud? My head is in enough pain as is.”
Maes stood in front of his friend, arms crossed. “You shouldn’t have gotten yourself injured in the first place, then.”
Roy sighed and took the cold pouch away from the red lump forming just underneath his hairline, which was mostly obscured by his dark wet bangs. “Well, a couple of guys were making fun of you; I couldn’t just stand there and let them do it. They were just about done for when one of them found a loose brick and threw it at my head.”
Maes shook his head, suppressing a grin. “Loyal as hell, you are,” he let his arms fall to his sides, sighing. “Now the guys are gonna think we’re lovers or something.”
Roy’s eyes widened considerably. “Maes, what the hell?”
Maes was back at the door, holding the knob and looking over at his friend. “I’ll keep the rumor going for your sake, Lover-Roy. But remember, I’m still looking for that special lady, so don’t keep your hopes up.”
The soldier-in-training was still sputtering as the bespectacled boy had shut the door behind him, chortling in his wake.