Oh wow, I haven't posted anything in a while! Let's see if I still remember how!
Title: Defensive
Author: Goldfishlover73
Word Count: 249
Rating: M
Characters: Mustang, Havoc, Hawkeye
Summary: Let's not jump to any conclusions now...
Notes: One swear word, and sexual implications, nothing too bad.
“I’ve heard…things…” Mustang’s voice drawled in a way that only Mustang could. Havoc rolled his eyes, doodling on a scrap piece of paper he found in his desk.
“Where?” Hawkeye’s voice was tense and defensive.
“Everyone’s talking about it, Lieutenant.” Mustang chuckled.
Havoc felt his cheeks heat up as he watched Hawkeye’s, tense. “I doubt everyone’s talking about, Sir.”
Images raced through Havoc’s mind; late night rendezvous at Hawkeye’s; mornings where she stealthily left his apartment as the sun rose.
Two weeks ago on the Colonels desk.
His fingers tightened around his pen.
“You had to have known you couldn’t keep this from me for long. Mustang’s voice held a bit of mockery. “And I simply won’t allow it.”
He was amazed at how Hawkeyes back (sexy, smooth, delicious back) could become even straighter, “I was afraid you were going to say that, and that’s why I went above you.”
A…bove? His body temperature rose when he thought of Hawkeye ‘above.’
“I will not have you stole away by some half rate officer.”
“Hey!” Havoc said defensively.
Mustang looked at him questionably as Hawkeye spoke sharply, eyes scarlet “We were talking about my promotion Havoc.” The color in Havoc’s face drained as he slid low in his seat, crouching over his doodle, returning to his work.
He heard Hawkeye stalk out of the room and Mustang following after a few beats later.
After the door slammed shut Havoc heard a chuckle. “No sex to night, eh?”
“Fuck off, Breda.”