Prompt 346 || What It Means to Be Human || "Less Than"

Feb 11, 2016 18:37

Title: Less Than
Author: evil_little_dog
Series: Leaning toward 2003, but any
Word Count: 100
Rating: K+
Characters/Pairings: Edward Elric
Summary: Ed has horrible thoughts.
Warnings: n/a
Disclaimer: Hiromu owns all. I just futz around with her characters.
fma_fic_contest prompt: What it means to be Human


The Slicer brothers said you had a broad version of what it meant to be human. You suppose you do; otherwise, what would you think of your brother? Would you think you’d turned him into a monster?

In your darkest thoughts, your worst nightmares, you curse yourself for what you’ve done. You’ve all but taken Alphonse’s life, twining his soul to a senseless piece of metal. Yes, he can think and talk and move around but he has to hate you for this - you’ve destroyed his life trying to bring your Mom back from the dead.

You’d hate you, too.


prompt 346, evil_little_dog

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