the quiet hour

Jul 19, 2012 09:26

Title: the quiet hour
Pairing/Focus: Sandeul/Gongchan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,760
Prompt(s) Used: Prompt #2
Summary: Sometimes, an hour of peace is enough.
Notes/Warnings: N/A

Sunwoo often tells the rest of them (read: nags like someone's annoying mother-in-law) that they need to take better care of themselves because quite frankly they suck at maintaining a healthy lifestyle when their schedules become jam-packed with activities.

Then again, Chansik never really equated the word 'healthy' with 'idol'. There was nothing 'healthy' about getting 8 hours of sleep - spread out through a single week. Or constantly blinking at the nonstop clicking of cameras in your face. Or being shipped back and forth between Korea and some other Asian country ever other day of the week. That's only on top of promotions at various music and variety shows. Actually, now that he thinks about it, Chansik doesn't mind the long distance trips to other countries. In the eye of the storm full of fame, it's an hour or so of peace that Chansik can have all to himself.

It's one of the only times, when he's outside the dorm, that he doesn't feel like he has to act cute or loud like the maknae he is. He'd rather be the sweet and simple Chansik rather than the childlike Gongchan when he isn't in the limelight. After all, the façade didn’t have to be kept up 24/7.

As the older sibling in his family, Chansik had a bit of difficulty easing himself into the role of ‘maknae’ in B1A4. He didn’t even feel like the maknae at times, with how often Sunwoo and Junghwan goofed off. Of course, he joined them in their escapades, but he had enough sense not to get into too much trouble. Maybe it went with having a younger brother of his own, but he made sure to look after the others like they were his real family.

Lately, though, even the energized troublemaking duo had been more or less quiet, what with B1A4’s schedule growing busier and busier every day. With fansignings ever other day, more appearances on variety shows, and the upcoming season of Hello Baby (two children, because taking care of just one wasn’t ‘good for the ratings’ or something), it didn’t surprise Chansik that everyone would be running on low energy. It was painful to see his hyungs force smiles on their faces whenever they went through the airport, but it was even more painful to see Junghwan especially tired because the vocalist had his musical on top of everything else B1A4 had to do.

Chansik’s happy that Sunwoo’s doing his best to keep his energy up by not fooling around and causing mischief, because that means less stress for Jinyoung (he didn’t need any white hair amongst the red) and more importantly more energy that Junghwan can save. He doesn’t know why he feels more protective over Junghwan, when he should be worried about his own health. He makes sure Junghwan eats a little more, when Dongwoo or Jinyoung aren’t paying attention to portions during dinner. He makes sure Junghwan does straight to bed after showering a long day of vocal practice and interviews off him.

Junghwan doesn’t seem to mind the attention from Chansik. As a matter of fact, he almost welcomes it, though Junghwan does remind Chansik to take care of himself too.

It gets to the point where Sunwoo sighs and rolls his eyes at them, muttering something about ‘typical Type A behavior’ and not even bothering to scold them. Chansik knows he should worrying over his own health (he feels just as drained as the rest of them), but Junghwan’s older and apparently a lot more susceptible to getting sick that Chansik. Sure, Chansik is the maknae, but he doesn’t want to be babied as much as he lets on. He’d rather be like Dongwoo, who showers all of the members with love after coming back from a long day of schedules.

Chansik’s smile may look tired to the fans, but he doesn’t want Junghwan’s to fade too.


Today’s one of those days where they’re being shipped to Japan for yet another fansign. The fans are snapping away pictures that will most likely be uploaded onto their fansites later while their manager and coori-noonas usher them safely through to their flight

Jinyoung and Dongwoo are conversing amongst themselves quietly as they board the plane while Sunwoo makes last-minute peace signs at the cameras. Chansik is by Junghwan’s side, of course, making sure the older male doesn’t keel over or something. Junghwan had just gotten over a small fever a day ago (yet again) and Chansik didn’t want it to grow worse.

To the mild surprise of the others, Junghwan included, Chansik had volunteered to sit next to the main vocalist during their plane ride. It wouldn’t really make a difference, since the flight was only an hour long, but the look Chansik had gotten from Dongwoo had spoken volumes.

Don’t forget about yourself, the oldest member had told Chansik before they left the dorm moments before, as he swiped a thumb under the younger male’s eyes. You’ve been looking tired too. Don’t forget about Channie’s health. Dongwoo’s smile had been weary, yet it still radiated a calm that soothed Chansik’s worry over Junghwan (for the time being).

He stifled a yawn as he tried to listen to Junghwan talking about some pictures he’d seen on one of Jinyoung’s fansites. It feels as if they weren’t all running on 3 to 4 hours of sleep, and it’s comforting. Chansik feels a prickle of warmth in his chest when Junghwan flashed him a good-natured smile before following Jinyoung and Dongwoo into the plane.

The sound of the fans slowly faded away as Chansik makes his way down the aisle, looking for Junghwan and the others. Already, he could hear Sunwoo sitting on Dongwoo’s left (Jinyoung liked the window seat because of the view) talking about the children they were going to be responsible for in a week or two. When he got to their designated area, Chansik notices Dongwoo nodding and ‘hmm’ing absently while Jinyoung is already dozing off.

He moves forward. As he got to his seat next to Junghwan, he sees that the older male isn’t participating in the conversation behind them. He frowns as he shoves his carry-on bag in the compartment above their seats and plops down next to Junghwan, whose eyes are closed. He looks very subdued and Chansik hates to disturb him but…

He touches Junghwan’s hand on their armrest, smiling when brown eyes look over at him. “How are you feeling, hyung?” He asks quietly.

Junghwan yawns blearily and smiled back. “’m fine, Channie.” He shifts so he could face Chansik properly. A curious look makes its way onto his face “You’ve been lookin’ a bit pale lately, though. How’re you holdin’ up?”

“Oh I’m fine, I’m fine!” Chansik says, albeit a little too loudly when Dongwoo makes a noncommittal noise behind them. (Nosy hyung.) He clears his throat quietly and smiles at Junghwan. “Seriously, I’m not that tired.” Which isn’t really true, because even though his schedule wasn’t as busy Junghwan’s or Dongwoo’s, he still feels as tightly-strung as the others. Chansik has seen what some of his fans say about him: either his smiles look too forced these days or he doesn’t smile as much as he used to.

He’s still a little lost in his thoughts when Junghwan reaches over to poke under Chansik’s eyes. “Hey, don’t lie to your hyung.” The pout on his face is cute, but Chansik wouldn’t dare tell him that. “You’re such a bad liar.”

The corner of Chansik’s mouth twitches upward. “I fooled you during Sesame Player, didn’t I?”

“Oh shut up,” Junghwan grumbles, and Chansik grins like he means it for once. It’s short-lasted, though, when Junghwan gives a small cough and Chansik frowns with worry. Besides, they have to sit back because the plane’s getting ready to take off.

Minutes later and the plane’s flying high in the sky on its way to Japan. Junghwan’s eyes are closed again when Chansik looks over at him, his face relaxed with barely any make up on. In an hour, they’ll touch down in Japan, make their way through a sea of Japanese fans, and be the idols they are. There won’t be anything quiet or peaceful, with hundreds of fans screaming their names and bright cameras flashing in their eyes.

Before he knows what he’s doing, Chansik leans over to bring his left hand up and mimics what Dongwoo did to him before. His fingers gently smooth the small bags under Junghwan’s eyes. He traces the curve of Junghwan’s mouth and cheeks with his eyes silently. He wishes they had more than an hour, but the distance between Japan and Korea is short.

Junghwan leans into Chansik’s hand with a sleepy smile and Chansik’s heart leaps into his throat. His thumb stops moving, so he ends up cradling Junghwan’s cheek instead.

(He really hopes Dongwoo and Sunwoo aren’t watching them right now.)

“You don’t have to worry about me so much, Channie,” Junghwan says. He sounds tired, but Chansik can hear the warmth in his words.

Chansik blushes, but Junghwan’s eyes are still closed. “I know hyung, but…I want to take care of you. Because you and the other hyungs always take care of me, y’know?” He hates how meek he sounds but right now he’s Chansik, not Gongchan. He doesn’t have the confidence he shows on stage, not all the time. “I wish all of us weren’t so tired.” I wish you weren’t so tired, is what he really wants to say.

Junghwan nods and presses his cheek, warm and squishy, into Chansik’s hand. “It’s what comes with being an idol. Sacrifices have to be made.” He pauses and frowns. “I’m sorry you have to take care of me.”

Chansik shakes his head, but Junghwan continues. “No, I’m your hyung. I mean, I should be taking better of myself. You have yourself to worry about.”

“I can worry about myself later,” Chansik mutters. He wants Junghwan to doze off again. He wants Junghwan to rest while they still have the time to themselves. “For now, I want to make sure you’re alright.”

Junghwan sighs. Chansik knows he won’t budge on this matter. “Fine. Do what you want.” Despite the defeated tone, Junghwan smiles just a little. “I’ll do a better job of taking care of you too.”

Chansik nods and sits back, his hand falling away from Junghwan’s cheek as he hears the telltale sound of his hyung nodding off. It isn’t long before Chansik’s dozing off as well.

Though, not before he feels Junghwan’s left hand intertwines itself with Chansik’s right on the armrest.

The End


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