(no subject)

May 31, 2011 08:27

Title: Devil in a Blue Box

Author: Flynithetardis

Pairings: Ten/Rose

Rating: PG13 (Rating may change later)

Warnings/Spoilers: Smith and Jones,

Summary: AU Dr. John Smith meets a strange patient with two hearts. Will his life ever be the same? He sure hopes not. (A role reversal fic where Rose is the Time Lord and Ten is the stupid ape.)

Authors Notes: I decided to start with this chapter and see how well it’s received if enough people like it I might make more

Disclaimer: the characters belong to the BBC

Chapter 1: Everything Changes Part 1

Authors and song writers would have you believe a person’s life could be changed on the most ordinary of days.

Dr. John Smith would tell you that such things were complete bullshit.

If he was honest, there had been nothing ordinary about this day.

Actually he supposed that wasn’t true. He woke up ordinarily enough, on what was supposed to be his day off. If you counted waking up with a woman whose name he didn’t remember as ordinary (something beginning with M. Margret, Mary, Mildred?). He wondered briefly what the fact that this was normal said about him.

Thankfully, he had been saved the awkwardness that comes complimentary of a one night stand, when he was called into work. They had found a young woman comatose on the streets last night, but aside from the obvious she was the picture of health.

John sighed as he rose from his bed, and left a note of false apology and some tea for what’s-her-name.

John had gotten off the train in a flurry of enthusiastic pinstripes and cerulean. He loved bizarre cases like this. There was nothing he liked better than solving a tricky puzzle, whether it be an unusual diagnosis, or the morning crossword. He lived for these kinds of-

“This is a snog.”

His reverie was broken by a woman, who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, and crushed her lips against his. The kiss was brief and forceful, and left him ravenous for more. But, when he parted his lips to return the favour, she’d already disappeared into the thin air she very well might have sprung from.

After a few moments of just gaping like a fish, he shrugged and entered the hospital.

Thus started the most fantastic day of his life.

The White Lab Coat, John thought humorously as he changed into his scrubs, the uniform of doctors and mad scientists everywhere. Which category do I fall into?

Given today’s hair, I’m leaning toward the latter.

He tried in vain to lock up his pinstriped armour, only to remember that over half the locks in the room were rubbish. Some locker-room.

Can’t keep my patient waiting. He smiled. The doctor is in.

“Hey, Dr. Pretty boy’s finally here.”

John smiled. Dr. Owen Harper was a right tosser, but he adored the sarcastic prick like the brother he’d never had.

“Good to see you too, Dr. Weasel face,” he countered. This was an old game to them and they played it well, like a well worn and loved sheet of music. “So, what have you got for me?”

“Some bird was found unconscious and unresponsive in this old woman’s rose bush.”

“So I’ve heard, and you have no clue what’s wrong?”

“Yeah, and the story gets weirder.” Owen gestured at the patient’s chest. “Take a listen.”

The doctor approached the lifeless body, and gasped.

It wasn’t just any blond, it was the blond. The same one that had kissed him on his way to work. No. Bloody. Way.

This has got to be the maddest day of his life. And coming from a guy whose birth parents actually had the nerve to abandoned him on a door step, like something out of a bad movie, this was saying something.

His hands trembled slightly as he placed the stethoscope above her heart.

Thump- thump-thump-thump

“Her pulse is unhealthily fast.”

“Listen to the other side.”

John looked at his long time friend as though he’d suggested he strip and do the hokey-cokey.

“Just do it, would you Poindexter?”

He decided to humour him. Owen tended to be serious about these kinds of things. He moved the device slightly to the right.

Thump- thump...thump-thump this one was too slow.

“B-b-but that’s impossible.” He stammered.

“Try telling her that mate.”

“This is just too creepy.”

“Wait, there’s more.”

“More?” His voice came out in a squeak.

“Her body temperature is 15°c.”

“Most definitely the strangest day of my life.”

“Gotta be an alien.”

The older man raised an eyebrow.

“I mean a few years ago, that would have sounded mad. But these days? That star thing at Christmas, the little people made of fat, I had a friend who lived in a house called Wester Drumlins and one day they just disappeared. I have a feeling there’s something larger at work here.”

“You know what’s sad, Harper? The fact that I’m inclined to believe you.”

They laughed uneasily, before falling into awkward silence.

“Morning gentlemen.” The chipper voice of a nameless student broke the silence. John tried not to hate the guy, he really tried, but no one should have this kind of energy and cheer at ungodly o’clock. “Good news. Mr. Stoker told me to tell you two that this patient is no longer your concern. He said some sort of Special Ops would take over from here. I think he called them Torchwood.”

“Bloody Torchwood.” Owen whinged, “They used to get into everything back in Cardiff. Mind you, they were more like the boogie man than Special Ops. Something strange happening, blame Torchwood.”

After another three minutes of sulking, Owen decided to tend to other patients, leaving John alone with Curious Rose Bush Girl. He decided to pull up a chair and keep her company, since it was his day off after all.

“That’s what I’m going to call you.” He said to sleeping beauty, “Rose.”

At any rate, it was certainly better than Jane Doe.

His attention was grabbed by the sound of rain tapping against the window.

“I hate the rain.” He groused, “When I was living in the children’s home, I used to fantasise about running away to somewhere warm like Tahiti, and never coming back. Of course, now I’m thirty four and nowhere closer to realizing that dream than when I was at eight. What about you Rose? Do you like the rain?”

Something wasn’t right here.

The rain was falling up.

He was knocked out of the chair as the entire building shook.

The first thing John noticed when he stood up, was the fact that the rain had stopped.

The second thing he noticed was that there was quite a bit of hysteria. Patients out of bed, trying to find out what had happened, and the staff were either trying to calm them, or panicking themselves.

He looked out the window, and his mouth hung open in shock.

They were on the moon.                   
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