Danny came down from Aberdeen, not seen him for about 3 years. So spent the weekend drinking, eating and catching up. Managed to get a bit of Kite Flying done too which was good, although my shoulders and back still ache from it :).
Well this is fun.....once again it's stupidly late (or early depending on your point of view I suppose) and I just can't get my brain to shut down long enough for me to go to sleep, might have to try to pull an all nighter again, see if that helps matters.
Well, I finally feel almost human...which I was starting to doubt that I ever would....too much wine is bad. This is really a pointless update but hey, better than none at all right?
Anyways, I'm off to the Job Centre and then possibly later taking the kite out....depends if the weather brightens up.
So, I'm in Wales. Only until Tuesday but I can think of worse ways to spend a weekend.
Mum made a porter cake in advance so got that to look forward to, and I may have swiped the recipe for my own use at some point (assuming I can ever be arsed baking).
So good food, good beer, and decent weather...definitely not bad.