Title: A Hard Day’s Night
myherodrowningRating: T
fic_variations Prompt/Claim: Tommy Donnelly/Kevin Donnelly (#1)
Spoilers: Takes place after 1.01, “The Pilot.”
Warnings: Implied incest and mild language.
Author's Notes: Jesus, I love The Black Donnellys. It’s so shiny and brand new. Part of my If Tomorrow Never Comes series.
A Hard Day's Night )
Comments 4
At nineteen, he really did love to eat. Eat, and have sex. The two together didn’t exactly make a good combination, unless he was eating-
That was funny. And it sort of fit with the mood and the dark humor of the show...
I'm really not making any sense. I loved it. There.
I'm glad you liked it! \o/
I like his resolution to make Tommy better--since Tommy is the one cleaning up after everyone else, it's nice to see someone trying to clean up after him.
Love this. "Mirror, mirror, who’s the dumbest of them all? Who the fuck would even say something that was so loaded, that even hinted at what Kevin meant? "
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