sometimes, the change comes after (SG:A AU recs)

Mar 25, 2007 14:12

Even though I have no real knowledge of Stargate: Atlantis, besides what I've picked up from watching lots of SG:1, I have to say I love the relationships and fic in this universe quite a bit. I'm sorry, even when you don't know them, John/Rodney is HOT. So I finally decided to get off my ass (metaphorically, because I'm stuck on the couch with the flu) and collect all the links of these lovely, lovely stories. Most of them are enjoyable without knowledge of canon, and are probably even better with. I've divided them into AU (a twist on current canon) and After (stories that happen after the show, which are thereby sorta AUish anyway).

* A Beautiful Lifetime Event by astolat. Kidfic, as done on SG:A. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Even when I don't have a fever.

* DADT, Damyata, Dayadhvam by trinityone looks at how far the military might go in enforcing Don't Ask, Don't Tell. And what Rodney (and John) would do to stop it. Scary as shit, but I heart Rodney in this.

* Dæmonology by trinityone. What if there were dæmons? This fic is love of the more canon-based sort and I love sitting around and figuring out what kind of dæmons characters in all my fandoms would have. Plot bunnies abound, I tell you.

* Hindsight by rageprufrock. What if John were in the FBI? It's so plausible, and he randomly meets Rodney and (sorta kinda accidentally) starts dating him. No, seriously.

* The Roads Never Lead Where They're Supposed to Go by eleveninches. Whee! Three parts! What happens when you add John, Rodney, and DINOSAURS??? Oh, yeah, and John happens to be a tree-hugging environmentalist. *snerk*

* Small Primes and Square Roots by liviapenn. What happens when John Sheppard meets Rodney's sister on a one-night stand? Kidfic of the glorious kind. So cute.

* Teamwork. An AU that apparently follows season 1 canon. Except for the small fact that Rodney is a Mountie. Enough said.

* Wide Open Ocean by setissma. If you didn't read this the first time I pimped it, then shame on you! John works with dolphins, Rodney is a different kind of scientist. Lovely, lovely story. Still. Again. Aways.

* Freedom's Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lost by synecdochic. You might be amused that I've fallen in love with a fic set after a show I don't watch, but I heart it because it nails academic life as much as because Rodney kicks ass in this. Also of note is the same universe, 10+ years later, and also a lovely vid that was inspired by the fic.

* Speaker for the Dead by mrshamill is a mirror story to the previous, though they are not related. Interesting fic on its own right. I love the look at John, here.


And, its past time for food and painkillers for me, so I'm off. Enjoy!

tv: stargate atlantis, fic: recs

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