Friending Meme.

Jun 22, 2008 00:38


This is a good old friending meme. A certain someone on my flist bothered me for weeks, saying how she wanted a friending meme so here I (we really) finally bring you one. It is quite a random friending meme, which you'll notice when you look at the questions. (Which were thought off in the middle of the night.) But it's a great way to maybe find some new friends. Plus it's fun!

What's your name or some sort of name that you want to share for now?
What's your age if you don't mind sharing it?
What's your location?
What qualities do you look for in a friend?
What are your favorite movies?
Who are your favorite musicians?
What are your main fandoms?
What is your favorite lyric/poem/quote?
What makes you smile?
Can you teleport?
What fruit do you want to be?
Are you dirty?
Do you call people BB or have you ever used that phrase?
Anything else?

Even if you don't participate, please pimp this if you have the chance as I'd hate to see this fail.
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