
Oct 21, 2008 06:31

Hey everyone! Wow~ it's so exciting how many people are here! Sorry that the site is still under construction ^^;; I'm not the best with layouts although I think I have a marvelous plan. School just ended for the summer here, I start my first day of work in two hours and still have an assignment to turn in so the second things calm down I'll be working on a header and getting that all up!

I'm going to make some flumpool icons soon but in the mean time:

Click on the image to download the WMV version of the Hana ni Nare PV
Hana ni Nare MP3

Is anyone interested in hearing thier CUBE songs? Before they gained thier drummer Seiji they were called CUBE, performing with several other Osakan street bands to create a monthly outdoor concert called "Mecha Memory". Those artists released a CD with two songs from each of the four bands and then a song performed by everyone. I have thier songs from Mecha Memory as well as three songs that they put onto normal comuter CDs and sold at thier lives for a couple hundred yen. I still have no idea what those songs are titled hahahaha.
If anyone would like to have a listen I'll upload them for the community ♥

download: music

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