I'm having less problem with the black background than the horrible greyish smudge that's been added behind the posted text to counteract it. I'm finding it's not grey enough to process it as grey, but it's not contrasting enough with the black text to make the text easy to read when I turn my laptop screen's brightness down (which I always do once I'm out of daylight).
Basically, it's just too much effort for too little gain. Even for the random pr0n posts. :( And aesthetically the whole colour scheme is now generally foul - black with that shade of blue? Skin changes should really be done wholesale.
I'm coping OK, although I balked when I first came on and it was all...undefined grey and deep black not mixing with what is otherwise a decent blue. I may take advantage of the blue skin when its available again. I'm really not overly impressed by the new symbols -too busy on crowded forum pages.
If you'd like me to badger someone for an option, I will happily do so. Can't live well within the pr0n, daft jokes and Withnail references, ya know ;-)
I'm not quite seeing the point of making an image with the original intention of making it so faint most people aren't able to see it.
I had a bit of a prod with that. It's pretty good if the sides bug, but I'd need to crack open code to get it to affect the centre column, and I can't be bothered. XD I've found a script called PlainPager which makes it look like this:
( ... )
Comments 6
There's a thread for the new black background colour scheme with ways to get round it (sort of) in the help section. Might be some help there.
Unfortunately, this involves actually *visiting* GW...
Basically, it's just too much effort for too little gain. Even for the random pr0n posts. :(
And aesthetically the whole colour scheme is now generally foul - black with that shade of blue? Skin changes should really be done wholesale.
Someone's found a thing that you could download to help change the background without fiddling with your settings etc, but maybe it can help with the other colours? Really not sure:
If you'd like me to badger someone for an option, I will happily do so. Can't live well within the pr0n, daft jokes and Withnail references, ya know ;-)
I had a bit of a prod with that. It's pretty good if the sides bug, but I'd need to crack open code to get it to affect the centre column, and I can't be bothered. XD
I've found a script called PlainPager which makes it look like this:
( ... )
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