I went to HMV yesterday and found this.
And Koichi's Ayakashi was displayed right in the bottom of it too!
And I took a video of some parts of the CM...
Click to view
And it seems like Tsuyoshi has announced the extra dates for ENDLICHERI Live that he was talking about in the concerts weeks ago.
2 October (Fri) 19:00/宮城セキスイハイムスーパーアリーナ (Sendai)
3 October (Sat) 19:00/宮城セキスイハイムスーパーアリーナ (Sendai)
17 October (Sat) 19:00/北海道立総合体育センター(きたえーる) (Hokkaido)
31 October (Sat) 19:00/大分・ビーコンプラザ (Oita)
7 November (Sat) 19:00/新潟朱鷺メッセ (Niigata)
28 November (Sat) 19:00/広島グリーンアリーナ (Hiroshima)
29 November (Sun) 15:00/広島グリーンアリーナ (Hiroshima)
I won't be able to go to any of them since all of them are far from me hmm...
So the plan for this year is to go solo all the way until the end of the year for KinKi cons.
I am guessing a new KinKi album around November - December.
Lastly, the first colour for Tsu4shi X CA4LA collaboration hat is out today!
I will just go to CA4LA store tomorrow to try it on (if they still have that on stock) and see whether it looks good on me.
9/9: purple
9/16: black
9/24: pink
9/30: ????
Hmm I wonder what the last colour will be, rainbow???
The hat each costs 6,250yen, but you will get a hat and the RAIN single CD, so I guess the actual cost of the hat is 5,250yen.
I think that's not too bad for a CA4LA's hat (full of more overpriced hats).