Title: Flavours future and past
Author: flowsoffire
Fandom: Doctor Who (1963)
Pairing/characters: Ian/Barbara
Genre: Romance
Rating: K
Word count: c. 450
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Summary: After danger and alarm, Ian and Barbara enjoy a moment of leisure.
Author's note: Here is another Ian/Barbara drabble, because I love those two-written
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Comments 24
More seriously; this was so delicious, really gorgeous and precious and BABIES! The sensuality factor is tremendous and overwhelming. This is such a neat, crafted slice of pleasure.
My favourite part must be Barbara observing his mussed hair and later stating she likes it when he obeys her like that. In fact, they both ridiculously look like cats here, languid, lying, smirking. It's just perfect.
♥♥♥♥♥ I love causing those impressions in you, and I love it even more because you hate summer, lol! Keep summer as an abstract idea. You have all the gorgeous images to go along with it already ;)
So yes, thank you sooooo much ♥ I'm so happy you enjoyed, as always, happy you liked the sensuality and the obedience and the hair :) Cats, absolutely. *grinning* I so enjoyed writing this.
Love you! ♥
Cat!Barbara and Ian could be an AU. With Baudelaire-like insight. Grrrr.
*loves you from her winter palace*
Oh Baudelaire. Goodness. ♥♥♥
Be the winter queen! ;) (And winter is coming…)
Your attention to detail reaches levels of awe-inspiring! I hadn't even realized they had such particular speech patterns until I read this and notice how very in character they both are. Makes me want to get back to my rewatch of the classics, LOL
Classics rewatching is the best thing! Well, the longest thing too, probably ;) I've only seen the One era and part of Two for now. Making progress though, slowly but surely ;)
I started a rewatch from the beginning a few months ago, but got bogged down with other stuff and haven't gotten back to it yet. Some newer fans seem to not be able to enjoy the older eps, so I'm glad you've discovered how awesome they can be! Some of it is quite corny, I'll admit, but the concepts hold up rather well. Plus, I've got the nostalgia going for me :)
I had a bit of trouble getting caught into it at the first eps, but I'm so glad I ended up giving it another try! Of course there are always things to be criticized (or rather laughed at…), but it's still wonderful, and it's so great seeing the history of the show, the evolution of the character and concepts-fifty years! The first regeneration, the slow building of the Doctor's origins, it's all pretty fascinating. Plus all the hilarious stuff and the brilliance of Hartnell and Troughton. ♥ Hartnell was my only classic Doctor when I saw Adventure in Space and Time, and I just wanted to tear up.
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