Title: Fool's Gold Author: Sara C. paintedponyxox@flowrs4ophelia) Characters/Pairings: Jack/Elizabeth, Will Rating: PG Summary: They play their old games, but there is never a winner or a prize. Notes: Post-AWE with spoilers.
Wow, I really liked this. Very touching... I love how the rhythm of your words just sounds like someone speaking sadly, with as much energy as they can muster, just going through the motions somehow.
Wow. So well done. I loved Elizabeth and Jack's relationship in this. They seem to be soul mates, and their love for each other went above and beyond a romantic relationship.
The end just killed me.
"But somehow he knows. The child is his but not his, just as she was never anyone's. It is nobody's fault. A boy needs a father. As she feared, he grew to be like only one of them.
At least she never had to choose."
That was awesome. It all goes back to choice and the fact that Elizabeth was never given one. Or Will or Jack for that matter. It all seeemed to revolve around that damn touch of destiny.
I also like that you reffered to the boy as a prize. I kind of always felt that everyone but Jack saw Lizzie as a prize.
Comments 30
The end just killed me.
"But somehow he knows. The child is his but not his, just as she was never anyone's. It is nobody's fault. A boy needs a father. As she feared, he grew to be like only one of them.
At least she never had to choose."
That was awesome. It all goes back to choice and the fact that Elizabeth was never given one. Or Will or Jack for that matter. It all seeemed to revolve around that damn touch of destiny.
I also like that you reffered to the boy as a prize. I kind of always felt that everyone but Jack saw Lizzie as a prize.
Beautiful. I loved that, because it is just such a perfect representation of them.
This was fabulous.
Thanks so much! :)
Squee-worthy image right here! That is so adorable!
I loved it. And the ending made total sense. Of course, there has to be some father around, those ten years. Great job, dearie!! :-D
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