Title: Aerilon Girls Are Easy
Author: Sara C. (
Characters & Pairings: Lee/Kara(/Zak)
Rating: R
Summary: Without a war to bring them back together, it takes a lot for Kara and Lee to be able to forgive each other. And themselves.
Previous parts:
Part INotes: Thank you for all the lovely comments so far, sorry I haven't responded to them! And no,
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Comments 12
Nice how Kara still has the worst timing, bringing up Zak's death like that.
Good job BB! Ready for more, more, more!
This is fab. Really. I love it. Great premise, excellent writing, and totally gripping. WANT MORE PLS.
Lee's voice comes out sounding strangely detached and unconscious, and suddenly deeply sad. "Did we kill him?" he says quietly. "Did we...sometimes...want him out of the way?"
Wow. What a sucker-punch of a line. Cannot wait for her answer.
Great chapter.
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