
Mar 02, 2006 10:48

A semi random list of things on my mind ( Read more... )

work, wot i am reading, job

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Comments 20

minervacat March 2 2006, 15:55:14 UTC
darling, you can grill me about information any time you want. i was just happy to see you looking so well and sounding so happy. *squish*


flowery_twat March 2 2006, 16:13:04 UTC
I wish we'd had longer to hang out. And that the restaurant was open. I went back later for lunch with a friend and it was fantastic. It would have been great for brunch. Oh well. I hope your drive home was less insane.

Enjoy your beautiful weather today - we have an ice storm. *grr*


minervacat March 2 2006, 16:17:43 UTC
i wish we'd had more time, too; i'll just have to get up to montreal to visit you, won't i?

aside from a startling, brief white-out - where i drove three miles in snow so thick i had to go twenty miles an hour - my drive home was much less crazy. and i did stop and see my folks, which turned out to be really nice.

i will go out and enjoy the weather for all of you trapped cold, snowy, icy places. i wish you were here with me, we could drink margaritas outside and eat shrimp for lunch.


flowery_twat March 2 2006, 16:28:29 UTC
Oh! Oh! Now I really want margaritas and shrimp for lunch. I think I will actually have tea and grilled cheese sammiches. But I will imagine they are margaritas and shrimp.

I will be in Montreal by Aug 1st at the latest, so come visit before school starts again.

Any news on any of Michael's interviews yet? I'm so excited for him.


swmbo March 2 2006, 16:19:10 UTC


Ohh, thanks for the book rec, that sounds fabulous and I just now put it on hold at the library. This library thing is amazing, with the whole not having to DO anything except pick up books. I take back all my grumpiness, that's what happens when I don't realize that technology changes things. Even though my branch has almost none of the books I want to read, the fact that I can browse other branches and usually get the books transferred within a day is superb and makes up for all of it.

That is my squee.

My sadness is about how I wish you were going to be superclose to me but on the other hand, this means visits! I do like visits.


flowery_twat March 2 2006, 16:32:40 UTC
I would just have very quickly have got grumpy about still being stuck in the midwest, which is so very, very much not my natural home. It's better this way.

I think you will really enjoy the book. It's passionate and incredibly clear and funny and insightful. I couldn't put it down. Interlibrary loans assisted by online catalogs really do make a huge difference, don't they?


swmbo March 2 2006, 16:36:38 UTC
Yes! And I remember trying to get books via interlibrary loan before the online and even when I could find the book, it would take literally weeks for my copy to get there. This online thing, where you can not only see where you are in the waiting list (which means it might still take weeks for some books but at least you know that upfront) but can also see when it's being transferred and where it is - it's fantastic. It makes me happy, I've been reading so much in the last couple of weeks.

And the book sounds excellent, hurrah.


meko00 March 2 2006, 16:29:52 UTC
Oh, I loved that book. :-)


flowery_twat March 2 2006, 16:33:53 UTC
I only have a library copy at the moment, but I'm going to buy one for myself soon. I can tell it will be something I reread on a regular basis.


meko00 March 2 2006, 16:39:44 UTC
I bought (and read) it several years ago, but I haven't reread it yet. I'd like to, if I only could remember where I put it. Maybe I lent it to someone...


blythely March 2 2006, 17:15:56 UTC
I have the BIGGEST SMILE EVER on my face now. I'm so pleased you devoured it :)

I'm in the process of making an Amazon List-thingy, will send it to you when it's done.

*big geek grin*


flowery_twat March 2 2006, 17:29:20 UTC
I adore your icon. :-)

Thanks so much for all the recs. I enjoyed the Dawkins so very, very much. Definitely let me know when you get your list together, it will be fun to explore.


dakinigrl March 2 2006, 17:27:44 UTC
I gave that book to my grandfather back in the early 90s... much to the consternation of my grandmother (who was a Jehova's Witness). I never read it myself but it looked really good. I guess I'll have to check it out and then foist it upon my daughter.


flowery_twat March 2 2006, 17:32:04 UTC
I would have eaten it up with a spoon as a teenager. I appreciate it 10 times more now because I know what bad popular science writing is like, but I would still have loved it as a teenager. And I might have realized science was way cool much earlier than I did.


Let me know what you think.


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