Title: A Bought Lesson Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Hooded Justice/The Comedian Warnings: Non-con Word Count: 1,145 Summary: Short but definitely not sweet. Teaching with a firm hand.
This is, frankly, fantastic - much like all of the Watchmen fic I've see from you thus far. I've friended you, though I don't mind if you don't friend back, since my journal isn't particularly exciting. (on the plus side, I don't post all that often)
PS: What does a guy have to do around here to get permission to use one of your Watchmen icons?
I'm glad you've been enjoying my fic. I don't mind friending you back. To be honest, I'm pretty ordinary, though some people who know me in RL would probably be surprised at what I do when I'm on the internet.
I don't mind you using a few of my icons if you like them as long as you credit me. I should probably make some to share anyway, but I'm never sure if people want to use them.
Comments 10
PS: What does a guy have to do around here to get permission to use one of your Watchmen icons?
I don't mind you using a few of my icons if you like them as long as you credit me. I should probably make some to share anyway, but I'm never sure if people want to use them.
Wonderfully written fic.
Great job! I'm waiting eagerly for your next fic!
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