(FIC) Tumble Down

Oct 07, 2008 21:03

Title: Tumble Down
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Nite Owl/Rorschach (main), Twilight Lady/Rorschach (this part)
Warnings: Non-con of the female aggressor variety.
Summary: Being captured by the enemy exposes what Rorschach would have preferred remained buried.

Part One

The first thing that Nite Owl noticed as he struggled toward wakefulness was that he was hanging bound in chains attached to the ceiling. Startled by this, he pulled himself fully awake, realizing as he struggled that his feet were bound as well. Panicked momentarily, he gazed to one side, relieved to see his friend intact, but groaning as his head lolled on his shoulders.

“Hey, you okay?” Daniel asked his companion.

“Dizzy,” Rorschach remarked simply as he shifted in his bonds, annoyed at being confined.

Nite Owl gazed around their current surroundings as best he could. They both were in a room with bare walls and no furnishings. The room was dimly illuminated by a dingy ceiling fixture above them. Testing the chains, Daniel had no room to slide his hands from the shackles. Even if he was still wearing his utility belt, he couldn't have reached it. But it was long gone as was the lock pick he kept concealed in his right glove. He sighed as he listened to his friend trying in vain to get one of his hands free from the shackles around them, realizing that they were at the mercy of whoever had imprisoned them, at least until one of their comrades realized that the pair was missing and came looking for them.

The last thing that Daniel remembered before waking was Rorschach entering the abandoned building that they were supposed to be staking out in far too much haste. Worried about the people rumored to be within, Nite Owl had followed him inside, albeit with more caution. As the pair soon found out, it had been a set up. The two men initially put up a good fight against the men and women who had ambushed them. That was until Daniel had seen a masked woman catch Rorschach on his blind side, jabbing something into his shoulder that made the man sway on his feet before his legs crumpled under him. Daniel had shouted his name, struggling to get to his friend before he too felt the sting of a needle and sank toward darkness. Nite Owl wondered who was responsible for their current predicament. He didn't have long to wait before a familiar voice greeted him as a figure entered the room.

“It seems like the two of you have woken up,” Twilight Lady said as she sauntered into the room, one of her minions in tow. “Now we can all have a little fun. I missed my two favorite boys while I was away.”

“So it's your gang that this hideout belongs to,” Nite Owl said.

“No, this place doesn't hold any interest to me beyond being in your area of patrol,” she admitted. “I knew you wouldn't be able to pass up taking care of a problem on your territory, which is why I put the false information out.” She grinned broadly. “I was anxious to see the two of you. We need to catch up on things.”

Nite Owl frowned, the remaining dizziness from the drug finally subsiding. “How did you get out of prison anyway?” he asked her.

She smirked, canting her head to one side. “Let's just say that the guards that were supposed to be on the bus headed toward the prison I was transferred to were indisposed and more helpful people had taken their place. I'm good to my girls,” she told him, running a gloved hand down the cheek of the young woman next to her who blushed at her touch, “And my girls are good to me.”

Rorschach made a sound of disgust at the sight of the two of them, drawing Twilight Lady's attention towards him. “Most men get turned on by things like this, and I ought to know,” she told him with a smile.

“Not most men,” he assured her, referring to himself, punctuating his words with a rattle of the chains that bound him.

Twilight Lady considered him. “Every guy gets hard for something. Every single one.” She stalked toward him. “It's just a matter of finding out which thing does it.”

Rorschach started at the touch of her hands on his chest that slid to unfasten his coat. He tried to shift away from her, but there was nowhere to go.

“Hey, just relax,” she said, too much humor in her voice for it to be soothing. “Do you know how many guys would kill to be where you are now, a beautiful woman giving him her attentions?”

“Don't need anything from a whore,” Rorschach spat, turning his face away from her as she unbuttoned his shirt to expose the pale skin beneath. He breathed raggedly, shifting with agitation as the woman rubbed leather-clad hands over his chest and belly.

“What's wrong, haven't been with many girls?” She smiled as she played with the dusting of hair on his chest and belly, pulling at it and making him wince. “I wouldn't think that would be the case. There's nothing that gets a girl going more than a hero type.” Rorschach tried to jerk away as her hand dragged over a nipple, sending a shock through his body. “Don't be so nervous,” she said in a low voice. “Just let Momma take care of you.”

Her words had Rorschach thrashing in his chains, spitting, “Get off me. Regret it if you don't.” She only laughed at him, which made him growl at her. His gut clenched as her hands moved toward his black and white mask.

“I'm not going to take it off yet,” Twilight Lady assured the struggling man as she pushed it up over the bridge of his nose. “I just need it high enough for this,” she said before pressing her lips to his. Rorschach tried to twist away, but she followed his movements, trying to part his lips under her own. She let out a surprised sound suddenly, pulling back to suckle her bruised lip. “You're a biter, huh?” Twilight Lady asked him. She sidled closer, her hand trailing slowly down his body. “I think I like that.”

“Leave him alone,” Daniel protested finally. The whole scene made him uncomfortable in more ways than one.

“Don't worry, sweetheart,” she told him. “I'm saving you for later. Right now, I'm going to show your feisty friend here a little something.” She cupped Rorschach's groin, massaging it as he stiffened.

“Don't you dare,” Rorschach growled as he felt the woman begin to unfasten his trousers. “Don't-” his words cut off in a gasp as pants and underwear were down around his calves with a swift movement.

“Hmm, nice,” she said as she examined his length, combing through the fiery curls at the base before surrounding it with a gloved hand. She began to stroke it slowly from base to tip as the chained man made a choked sound.

When after a few moments, Rorschach remained flaccid, Twilight Lady pouted. “You can't even get a little hard for me, baby?”

Rorschach glared at her from behind the mask, lips pulled down in a frown. “Not for anyone, especially not filth.”

The woman only laughed at him, making him seethe with anger. “Oh, I get it. Your tastes are more toward the other side of the spectrum, huh?” She grinned at him predatorily as she suckled a leather clad finger into her mouth, moistening it with exaggerated motions as Rorschach turned his head away from the sight. He soon felt her free hand cup his buttock before a moist digit slid between them.

Rorschach jumped in his bindings and began to flail. “What are you doing? Don't touch me!” he demanded.

“I think the gentlemen protests too much,” she answered, dragging her index finger back and forth across his entrance. She continued to stroke his cock with her other hand as she pushed the digit inside. It wasn't moist enough that Rorschach didn't stiffen from the uncomfortable slide of it. She ignored Nite Owl's protests as he helplessly watched the scene.

Panting, Rorschach twisted in his bindings, the rattle of chains loud in the room. The scrape of moist leather inside of him made him shiver as he hardened in the circle of Twilight Lady's fingers. His gut twisted with nausea and something he didn't want to admit. Rorschach gritted his teeth against the sounds that wanted to escape his throat as discomfort morphed into a different sort of heat within him.

Twilight Lady chucked. “I was right. This is the kind of thing you like, isn't it? Do you get this hard for your man when he's shoving it inside you? I bet you do.” That finger pushed deep, making Rorschach gasp. She took advantage of his parted lips to raise her hand from his cock, pushing two fingers into his mouth to stroke rhythmically against his tongue. He stiffened in surprise. “Do you suck him off to get him ready for you with that dirty mouth of yours?” she asked, smirking as her words made him shudder.

Nite Owl watched from his vantage point, his mouth agape at what he was witnessing. To his shame, Daniel's protests of her treatment of his partner had died on his lips far too long ago, entranced as he was at how Rorschach writhed before the woman. Daniel's cheeks burned as he felt himself begin to harden while he watched Rorschach begin to suckle on the digits Twilight Lady was thrusting into his mouth, his friend carried away by the imagery sparked by the words the woman cooed into his ear.

Dan bit his lip as Twilight Lady moved to the side, giving him a prime view of her hand returning to Rorschach's cock, his body arching at the sensation. Nite Owl stifled a groan as he watched his friend move to and fro between the hand stroking hard flesh and the finger pushing inside him. Rorschach's breathing became more labored, the chains rattling as he pulled on them. Twilight Lady fisted his cock in earnest, smirking before she ran her tongue along the line of his jaw. When she pushed her finger deep within, Rorschach convulsed. His body pulling taut, Rorschach groaned harsh and loud, a name spilling from his lips that made Nite Owl's eyes widen behind his goggles. Pearly fluid arced and hit the floor as Twilight Lady continued to stroke him until he was spent. Nite Owl watched Rorschach hang limply in his bindings as his chest heaved, the man curling in on himself when he realized what he had just said.

“Hmm, I think this 'Daniel' is a lucky guy,” Twilight Lady remarked as she sucked a bit of the essence off one of the soiled fingers of her glove. “It must be something riding you in bed when you scream like that.” Rorschach shuddered as she dragged a hand down his chest. “Maybe we should try something like that next.”

The further fun the woman had planned was interrupted by one of her girls poking her head into the room wearing an expression of worry. She warned her mistress of the pair's comrades arriving on the scene.

Twilight Lady made a disappointed sound, sauntering over toward Nite Owl. “Such a shame that I don't have time to play with you.” She smirked as she took in how his erection strained against the confines of his uniform, leaning in to murmur, “Especially since it seems that you enjoyed the show,” into his ear. She patted his erection before striding toward the door, blowing both men a kiss before her hasty exit.

The only sound in the room for a few moments was Rorschach's panting as he hung in his chains, trousers still down around his legs leaving him horribly exposed. Nite Owl gazed at him uncomfortably, at a lost for words as he prayed his erection would wilt before the man turned toward him or before they were found by whoever came to rescue them. Suddenly, blue light suffused the room as Doctor Manhattan teleported into it.

“The two of you missed the rendezvous point, so Laurie and I decided to investigate.” He cocked his head to one side as he took in the scene before him. “Why are your clothes in such disarray?” he asked Rorschach.

“Don't look at me,” Rorschach answered hoarsely. “Just get me out of these,” indicating the chains with a fierce jerk against them.


“Get these off me!” Rorschach shouted. Dan could hear how his voice broke if Manhattan couldn't. Nite Owl was glad that Laurie had apparently opted to enter the warehouse the traditional way, as he was sure Rorschach would be even more mortified if she had found him in such a state.

The chains that bound Rorschach soon disintegrated. He quickly turned to pull up his underwear and trousers with shaking hands. He could feel Daniel's eyes on his back burning into him, unaware of the guilt and sympathy that lay in his gaze.

After Doctor Manhattan had taken care of his restraints, Nite Owl tried to approach Rorschach, a hand outstretched that hovered in the air. Daniel wasn't sure how the man would react if he were to touch him.

“Hey, Rorschach, are you alright?” he asked, feeling foolish as he did so, but other words failed him.

“Fine, Daniel,” Rorschach uttered in a rough voice, his back still to his friend.


“I'm fine! Going now,” he uttered, pushing past Doctor Manhattan as he beat a hasty exit from the room. He ignored Laurie as he passed her in the hallway, even as she tried to ask him what had gone on. Daniel watched him go, hands fisted at his sides and feeling like a poor friend among other things.


The sound of sloshing water filled the small bathroom as Rorschach sat in the tub. His furious movements caused water to splash out of the tub and onto the tile below. It wasn't that often that Rorschach bathed himself, but he couldn't stand walking around any longer with the filth that stained him. He rubbed his pale skin with the cloth until it was reddened and sore, even though he knew it was largely a futile effort. He'd never get the filth off of him.

He had always tried to be like his father, a man who had loved his country and had fought for the freedoms that the innocent should be allowed to enjoy. Right now, he felt more like his mother, wallowing in depravity and acts of filth. At least he still had the remaining decency to be ashamed of it.

Rorschach's hand ceased scrubbing and fell with a splash into the water as he hung his head. He now knew how much of a hypocrite he was, the taint that lay within him exposed in the most embarrassing way. But even worse than this was that Daniel knew how disgusting he was now. Daniel, who didn't shy away from him when others had. Daniel, who left the box of sugar cubes on the table knowing that Rorschach would sneak in to snag them. Gritting his teeth, Rorschach began to tap his head back against the dingy tile, the word 'stupid' leaving his mouth in time to the dull thud. Nite Owl would never even look at him again, let alone talk to him. Or even if he would, that old camaraderie was long gone, killed by his failure to keep his desire for friendship from turning into something else, something that left him hard and aching in the morning after fevered dreams. His weakness of the flesh. Rorschach groaned as stars bloomed behind his shut lids, the ache in his head nothing compared to the sinking feeling in his gut. His mother had been right. He always managed to ruin everything in the end.

Part Two

watchmen:characters:rorschach, indulging fetish:delicious rape, fan works:fan fiction, watchmen:characters:the comedian, watchmen:pairing:twilight lady/rorschach, watchmen, watchmen:pairing:nite owl/rorschach, watchmen:characters:nite owl

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