Title: When Spells Collide Pairing: Harry/Pansy Words: 1340 Rating: Adult A/N: This is the sixth of the ficlets I will post one-a-day until my birthday. Prompt from r_becca: Harry/Pansy, wartime.
This is great! I admit I kind of heart most Pansy pairs in general, but this is an excellent one. I especially like how Harry is basically awkward as hell until they're having sex, and then his last two lines are so...would-have-been-smooth/sleazy except, oh wait, he's been awkward the entire time and is currently trying not to explode prematurely (I bet). Sorry, that was kind of an overly rambly way to say that what you do with the dialogue in this one is pretty clever.
So yes! Brief, but excellent character work nevertheless. Which I guess is your style (the latter, not the former), so hey! :D
That was most enjoyable... you can't just announce to a bloke that you're willing to, what exactly were you willing to do? Also, that is, you can and it's nice and you have very nice, uh, I could possibly shut it now. Harry the Rambler, how sweet is he?
All in all, another delightful day in the birthday fic countdown!
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So yes! Brief, but excellent character work nevertheless. Which I guess is your style (the latter, not the former), so hey! :D
"you can't just announce to a bloke that you're willing to, what exactly were you willing to do?"
All in all, another delightful day in the birthday fic countdown!
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