Friendship - part 3

Nov 11, 2011 23:56

Title : Friendship 
Pairing : PiDa / RyoDa
Rating : R
Genre: Drama/Romance
Summary: Pi is away for his solo tour while Tatsuya kinda feels lonely, and Ryo is the perfect best friend. Or so it seems…
A/N: Unbeta-ed. Written for sugarbloodlolli as a request. I wanna mine now 8D

[1] [2]

He didn’t know what happened exactly this morning. He woke up at 7am, took a shower and ate breakfast like every morning. But something was not right and he didn’t know what.
Tatsuya parked his car in the parking lot and took the elevator. As the doors were closing, a hand appeared.
“Sorry…” the person said as the doors opened once again, letting him enter.
“Good morning, Nishikido-kun” Tatsuya greeted his colleague with a smile.
“Morning Hime ~ how are you?” Ryo smiled back at him.
“I’m fine and you?” he said without looking at him in the eyes.
“I’m fine now ~” Ryo smiled widely at him and put something in his hand. “For you” he added.
“Eh?? What for?” Tatsuya was confused to say the last and kept staring at the little box in his hand.
“Just like that “ The other said and got out of the elevator as he arrived. “See you at lunch, Hime!”
“But…” he couldn’t say anything as Ryo was already far in the corridor and the doors closing again.

He entered his dressing room, put his bag carelessly in his chair and sat up in the sofa near Kamenashi.
“Morning Tatchan!” he greeted as Tatsuya wasn’t saying anything.
“In his own little world again it seems…” Koki said while smiling.
“Tatsuya?” Kazuya tried to wake his friend up but without any answer of the other he poked his ribs gently.
“Ouchh!!” Tatsuya whined. “What did you do that for Kazu…” he said pouting at him.
“You were not responding Tatchan ~ how are you? What’s that in your hand??”
“I met Ryo this morning in the elevator and he gave me this…” he said nonchalantly.
“Nishikido gave you a present?” Nakamaru, who just entered shooted with surprise.
“Seems like it ~ open it yeaah ~” Kazuya said eyeing the little box with sparkling eyes.
“But… I don’t know why he gave me this?” Tatsuya was so confused he didn’t know if he should accept the present or not.
“Well it’s only Ryo so no need to worry, open it ~” Kamenashi beamed at him.
“Such a curious turtle…” someone said at the door.
“Ryo ~ morning to you too! What do you want?” the turtle asked.
“Here your lunch Hime…” he gave Tatsuya a bento with a bottle of juice. “I’m sorry I will not be able to eat with you today, I have an interview” he added apologetically.
“Don’t worry, it’s okay. Thank you for the bento, though I still said that it was not necessary…” Tatsuya said blushing.
“It’s my duty ~ then I shall leave.” He kissed Tatsuya’s cheeks without thinking and got out the room with the KAT-TN member looking at him suspiciously.
Tatsuya had his cheeks so pink that Koki couldn’t help but tease him.
“Tatchaaaaaaan~” why are you blushing? It’s like you like Nishikido hehehe” Koki grinned while laughing.
“Idiot Koki!” Kazuya smacked his forehead and looked at his friend cautiously. “Tatchan? Is everything ok?”

He didn’t plan on doing it but when he saw his pretty face, he couldn’t helped himself.  He was really happy he could make the other blush like that with a simple gesture. He had 2 weeks left until Pi was going home. He had to convince the Hime pretty soon.
“He’s so cute really… how could I resist all this time?” he whispered to himself and walked away.

The week past really fast. Everyone was so busy with their schedule. Tatsuya decided not to open the present Ryo gave him. But since he didn’t had the chance to meet him he couldn’t give it back. The little box was on his bedside table near the book he was reading every night before going to sleep.
They didn’t had the time to meet, but Ryo still gave Ueda a bento every day at lunch. Putting it on his table or giving it to Kamenashi .
Tatsuya began to really enjoy being took care of by Ryo. He was pretty sure that the bento he received every day was homemade. Means he made it especially for him.
One more week until Yamashita, his boyfriend, was going back home. Of course he knew what Ryo had been doing since Tatsuya called him often to ask for advice about what to do or say.

It was Thursday night, Tatsuya was napping on KAT-TUN’s room. He was all alone since the other members had already gone home. Ueda was taking a little nap because he was so sleepy all the day. He didn’t slept well the night before.

Meanwhile, in the corridor a man was happily waiting for the elevator. His day was really tiring and he couldn’t wait until he was home and on his bed to sleep.
As the bip indicating the elevator was there, he could see a little ray of light from one of the many room in this floor. He wondered who could still be there at this hour.
It was past 11PM already. He decided to go see who it was and tell the person to go home.
He pushed the door opened, approached the slim figure sleeping soundly in the couch.
Smiling, he caressed gently the person’s hair. “Such a beautiful creature you are…” he whispered slowly, not wanting to wake him.
Ryo sat beside him and stared at Ueda’s face while thinking about waking the other or not.
Tatsuya turned his head as something touched him but didn’t woke up.
Taking his pretty hand in his, Ryo kissed it gently. Looking at Tatsuya’s sleeping face, he wondered what it would feel to wake up every morning with such a beautiful picture next to you.
He stared at his lips. Those luscious lips that promised so much….
He wanted to taste them but he know he couldn’t. Tatsuya was not his. Not yet. He had to wait.
But Tatsuya was sleeping, he wouldn’t know… what if he did it nonetheless?
He wondered if he tried to kiss the other, he would wake up.
Ryo leaned his head carefully near Tatsuya’s face until their lips was touching.
He closed his eyes as he leaned more and pecked those delicious lips properly.
The kiss lingered for about 4 to 5 seconds but he didn’t know that the other opened his eyes and looked at him… then closed them again as Ryo was opening his eyes and ended the kiss.
“Sorry Hime, I couldn’t help it…” he whispered embarrassed.
Even though, Ryo thought Tatsuya was sleeping, he was still embarrassed about what he did.
He kept looking at the sleeping form for awhile and covered him with a blanket.
“I’ll let you sleep a little then I’ll take you home ~” he said and sat on the chair near Tatsuya, looking at him until it was time.

To be continued...

fanfic, pairing ryoda

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