Well that was my first entry, but it took some doing. Got error messages and random stuff. Ended up saving the text, and opening Netscape 7. Which crashed the computer, and it didn't recover even when I logged into another machine and killed my processes. So (in the seasonal absence of computer officers) I did the criminal thing of switching Newton off and starting again.
Seems LJ doesn't like Opera. Maybe LJ and I aren't going to get along.
It's always been fine under Opera for me (v7.11 for Windows, and worked fine under v6). Maybe try using one of the LJ clients ( http://www.livejournal.com/download/ ) if the webpage isn't working.
Comments 4
Seems LJ doesn't like Opera. Maybe LJ and I aren't going to get along.
welcome to lj!
Lets see if this works...
One day I will grow up and get a computer of my own ;)
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