Title: The boy behind the door [always half of a whole]
Fandom: Kinki Kids
Pairing: Tsuyoshi/Koichi
Rating: up to NC-17 eventually
Summary: It is Koichi's job to make Tsuyoshi's life go according to plan, but what if he is the very reason that changes everything?
Here. )
Comments 7
Thank you. It becomes more promising and more alive with every new part.
Thanks for sharing. This is really interesting :D
Now everything is clear about the recallibration... it's a bit scary tbh D: I hope they don't suceed in it.
I really liked Koichi's and Okada's conversation, so nicely made ;w; ♥
Thanks for sharing! :3
oh, the bitterness of the "I'm just a tool", great yet sad.
Can't wait to read what happens next.
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