Happiness Chp 3

Jan 31, 2011 19:59

Title: Happiness
Author: flojo234
Pairing: Callie Torres/Erica Hahn
Rating: PG for now
Summary: sometimes happiness is hard to get
Disclaimer: all characters belong to shondaland, but i wish i had a part of their script.

Chpt. 1: http://flojo234.livejournal.com/1489.html

Chpt. 2: http://flojo234.livejournal.com/1740.html

The next two weeks of my life are anything but boring. Crazy traumas come in, from a broken kneecap to a guy trying to kill himself only to break every bone in his lower half. Chief Webber told me that I’ve been given the opportunity to go speak with the orthopedics attendings at John Hopkins about my minimal evasive surgery and my cartilage in a jar. So here I am packing a suitcase for my 4 day trip to Baltimore. The really weird part about me going is when I told Christina she gave me this blank look like she had seen a ghost.

As I get ready to leave the apartment, somebody starts banging on the door like a crazed manic.

“What the…”

“Calliope we need to talk”

“So now you want to talk Arizona? I have been trying to get you to talk to me for weeks and now you want to talk? I don’t have time for this, I have a plane to catch. You wanna know what’s funny. I only wish we were in an airport so I could just walk away from you.”

“Calliope I needed some time to figure out some stuff. I never wanted to give you the impression that I didn’t want to be there, it’s just everything is happening so fast.”

“Well I can’t change anything and you know what I really don’t want to, so can you do me a huge favor and get out I have to go. Maybe when I get back I will want to talk, but right now, right this instance I don’t want anything to do with you.”

“I know you still love me, because I still love you.”

“No see that’s where you’re wrong, I don’t love you, maybe I did, but that was before you walked away from me for like the billionth time.”

“Please don’t say that.” Arizona wipes the tears streaming down her face.

“Truth hurts don’t it, now I’m really tired of being nice so move, I have to go.”

As I get into Baltimore I’m thinking if I have done the right thing by pushing Arizona away more. My heart is so strained that I don’t know what to do. Maybe these few days away from her will be good for me to try and figure out if we can work out our problems and be together again. But now the only thing I want to do is get to my hotel and crash. This mighty oak, as Mark calls it, is starting to make me tired quicker.

I wake up the next morning and just lay there relishing in the quiet and calm that is my life right now. I know that I will have to enjoy these moments when they arise because I know my life will drastically change in the next 8 months. I roll over and look at the clock and realize I have been enjoying my morning for too long and I only have a hr. before my first conference starts. Crap.

I run into the hospital conference room with 5 minutes to spare. I really could use some coffee right now, but I told mark that I would lay off the coffee. The conference goes well, I have showed the attendings, the pros of the doing a minimal evasive surgery. So as I am clearing the room of all of my visual aids the chief of surgery walks up to me.

“Dr. Torres”

“Chief Mitchell so nice to finally met you.”

“As you Dr. so how are you finding John Hopkins?”

“Well I really haven’t had the time to walk around and see it.”

“Oh you haven’t. Well maybe I could give you a tour if you’re not too busy.”

“Really I would love that. I just need to finish packing up and then I will be all yours.”

“Ok, I need to run to my office so maybe you can meet me there. It’s just down the hall to the left.”

“Ok I will see you in about fifteen.”

Soon as the chief leaves I resume cleaning up the room, and think maybe I could use a new start and maybe this could be a hospital I like but I remember that Mark is in no way letting me out of the state of Washington and thinking about it, I wouldn’t want to put a strain on his relationship with this child.

Fifteen minutes later I am knocking on the chief’s office door.

“Come in. Oh Dr. Torres are you ready for that tour?”

“I sure am.”

As we are walking around he tells me about the hospital. “Well here at John Hopkins we have the number one trauma, e.n.t., ob., and cardio.”

“Wow, sounds as if you have the top surgeons.”

“We pride ourselves in hiring the best of the best.”

The chief takes me to see the emergency room, the pediatrics, the orthopedic, and neurology wings.

“And here is the cardio wing”

That laugh, I know that laugh anywhere. I know that the chief is still talking but the only thing I hear is the husky laugh of her. The one person that could stand out to me in a crowd of people. The chief must have realized that I wasn’t listening to him because he is looking at me like I’m going to pass out.

“Dr. Torres are you feeling okay.”

“No I’m not. I turn around and I am immediately thrown back to the front of Seattle Grace and our bench.”

“Dr. Torres, do you need to sit down?”

I guess she either heard him say my name, or hopefully after all this time I have the same effect on her as she does on me, because she turns around and looks me dead in the eyes.


"Er..." Before I could even finish her name, my world turned black.

fanfic: callica, happiness

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