If Brad gets this adventure finished in time, he'd like to playtest it at our house on the last weekend of July or the first or second weekend of August. We're looking for 3-6 locals who'd like to play 5th edition Ars Magica. Your own characters of the right age are welcome and up to three pre-gens can be provided. Brad is also willing to translate 4th edition characters to 5th if you only know 4th, as long as you send the character by July 23. If you're interested, please post your best dates below!
Ritual of Rebirth
Cremandus ex Bonisagus is famous throughout the order as the only magus who has ever bonded a true Phoenix, and he is rumored to have some controversial theories about longevity rituals. But you know him as the man who stepped in when you were an apprentice or newly gauntleted magus and helped when you needed it most. For him, the kindness was minor, perhaps a word in the right ear to end a Certamen threat or unexpected support for a political ruling that would have been disastrous to your young career if it had gone the other way. But for you it was significant aid and he never asked for anything in return.
It has been many years and the incident has faded in your memory.
The Saturday morning just before Easter, a Mercere appeared in a rush at your covenant bearing a request. You need to get to Lux Ex Tenebreous in the Rhine Tribunal before Easter Dawn. Cremandus has chosen you to be one of the witnesses for his Ritual of Rebirth. Not the mighty Bonisagus scholars of longevity, not his own amici, covenmates, colleagues. You. The Mercere is willing to "Push of Homecoming" you there if you can't manage the trip in time on your own, although he warns you that this will cause warping.
An adventure for 3-6 magi about 20 years out of gauntlet of any house, type or specialty. I can accomodate about 3 pregenerated characters for people who don't have their own to bring. I'm not picky about chargen system, just do anything vaguely legal or bring a favorite character and age him or her to about the right maturity.