Revision Session - Part Eight

Jul 19, 2009 23:13

On the other side of Naomi’s bedroom door the girls were slowing down their giggles as they ambled over to the bed. Emily stood with her arms crossed loosely as she watched her friend fling herself face-down onto the bed, duvet and sheets still rumpled from where they had previously lain.

“Fucking hell,” she said, her words muffled by her pillow.

Emily smiled and walked a bit closer, nudging the blonde’s foot with her knee. “Oh, come on. It wasn’t too bad.”

Naomi huffed and rolled over onto her back, a familiar scowl fixed upon her face. After a beat, she asked, “Really?” Emily sat down, putting a small hand on her friend’s leg.

“Really. I mean, I think it went a lot better than most dinners at my house. They really are fucking awful,” she reassured with a grimace. Naomi sat up.

“What are they like?” she asked. Emily looked around, tightening her eyebrows.

“What? Mum’s dinners?”

“No, I mean. Your parents. What are they like?”

“Oh,” Emily’s eyes widened. Naomi was asking her something. Like, something about her life. She was interested, Emily realised. She shifted around so she could better see her friend. “Well, they’re fine, I suppose, if a little bit naive. I mean, they’re still convinced that Katie’s a virgin...” Naomi laughed at this, causing Emily to chuckle.

“Fucking hell...”

“Exactly. And they refuse to listen when I tell them that our pervy little brother, James, watches us through the keyhole when we’re in the bathroom,” Emily said, scrunching up her face.

They were silent for a moment. Naomi looked down and bit her lip. “I didn’t know,” she said.

“Didn’t know what? That he’s a pervy little fucker? Don’t worry, if mum and dad can’t tell then...”

“No,” Naomi interrupted, looking Emily in the eye. “I didn’t know you had a brother.”

“Oh,” Emily said softly. “Well, that’s ok. I mean, it’s not like a fact that I care to share, particularly. I mean, it’s enough that I obviously have a sister that I can’t seem to avoid, like fucking ever, so... it’s fine.”

“I just... well, we’ve known each other for fucking years now, and I never knew you had a little brother,” Naomi said, looking back at the duvet, picking at a thread on is distractedly.

“Hey,” Emily said, putting her hand over Naomi’s. “It really doesn’t matter. We’re just getting to know each other now, aren’t we? I mean, I’m sure there’s loads of stuff that I don’t know about you.”

Naomi smiled at their hands. They seemed to fit together well. She still wasn’t entirely sure what it meant, what she could allow Emily to mean to her if she just went with it, followed Emily’s lead. But, now was not the time to worry about it, not when their hands were touching and their heads were so close, almost resting together.

Letting out a breath, Naomi shifted back on her bed, leaning up against the headboard. Emily watched as she patted the space next to her, waiting for Emily to scooch up beside her.

“Ok,” Naomi said once Emily had joined her, eyes gazing lazily down their stretched out legs, noting the difference in length and the way Emily curled and uncurled her toes, as if too aware of their existence. “So ask me something. What do you want to know?”

Emily tilted her head to the side as if waiting for a thought to drop from one side to the other. She was still thinking as Naomi took her hand, sliding her slender fingers in between Emily’s own. It didn’t really help her with her train of thought - most of the time when Naomi as much as brushed against her it stopped Emily’s thought process entirely. She felt her heart beat just a little bit harder inside her chest, almost as if it were going to burst out completely and throw itself at Naomi’s feet. Emily had to stop herself then before she pulled a face. It was a bit of a gross thing to think, really. And Naomi didn’t need to know that stuff. Not yet, and probably not ever.

“C’mon,” Naomi encouraged, bumping Emily with her shoulder, wrongly assuming that the redhead was just being shy. “Anything, it’s fine. I’ll try to be honest. Unless it’s too embarrassing in which case I’m completely obligated to lie to you. Or at least skim over the shady areas.”

They shared a smile as Emily let out a small breath. “Ok. There is one thing, actually, that I’ve always wanted to ask you...” she trailed off, her mouth quirked into a small half-smile.

“Oh?” said Naomi, her eyebrow raised. “Sounds ominous. Go on.”

“Right, well. Back at school, you know we were in the same class for art...?” Emily’s smile dropped a little bit as Naomi bit her lip and lowered her gaze. “Oh, well. We were. For a year. It doesn’t matter but, well, we were.”

“Sorry Em. I was a bit of a dick at school. Which, obviously, is nothing like me now, the shining example of consideration and approachability that I am.” At that Emily let out a small laugh, which turned into a smile as Naomi squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry.”

Emily shook her head. “No, no. It’s fine. I mean, I know we didn’t speak really at school. I think I barely had a chance to speak what with Katie speaking for me. But, anyway, it doesn’t matter, fuck it. Anyway,” she resumed, rubbing her thumb over the back of Naomi’s hand. “What I wanted to ask was - what inspired your paintings? I always thought they were lovely, you know? Kind of something very you, or, well, what I imagined the real you to be like seeing as we’ve just established that we hardly knew each other.”

Naomi chuckled, glad to be back on level footing. She had never given Emily much thought back then, though she had caught her staring on occasion, but she just figured that she was like that with everyone. Just, kind of, staring. For obvious reasons she avoided Katie and that meant by default avoiding Emily. Until that party Naomi wasn’t really sure she had ever said more than two words to Emily before that point but, well, the party was a different matter altogether. At least things were different now. Better.

“I didn’t think that anyone ever paid any attention to my paintings. I never thought that they were much good. Mum bloody gushed over them though, saying that it was great for me to release my creative energies through such a visual medium or some bollocks,” Naomi said with a nod.

“Well, like I said. I thought they were beautiful. They reminded me of water, like, almost drowning, but not quite,” Emily said quietly, looking down nervously towards their feet, which were now swaying from side to side. Emily hadn’t noticed that they had been doing it, that they’d just fallen in sync with one another.

After a moment or two, Emily realised that they’d fallen into silence. She turned her head to look at Naomi only to be met with a slightly mischievous smirk. “What?” Emily asked.

“Fuck me, Em. That’s quite the crush you had on me. I can’t believe I never realised until you stuck your tongue down my throat at that party. I mean, I suppose I deserved it really, after all that. You must have dropped a few more hints than that along the way. Anything else you think I should know? Did my maths homework remind you of warm summer days? X plus Y equals the wind in my hair as I...”

“Fuck. Off!” Emily warned with a smile, removing her hand from Naomi’s to smack her friend on the leg. Naomi reclaimed the hand and brought it to her lips, placing a gentle kiss across her knuckles.

“Sorry Ems. Just a little bit too easy, y’know?” Naomi offered through chuckles, lowering their hands back to rest on her own thigh.

Emily sighed and rested her head on Naomi’s shoulder. Naomi responded by tilting her head to sit on top of the redhead’s. Emily’s hair, Naomi noticed, smelled like flowers. The shampoo or whatever it was that she used, it smelled like flowers. Like Emily. Naomi breathed her in just a little bit more before Emily spoke.

“Actually,” she began. “There was one other thing...”

“Just one?” Naomi teased.

“Again, fuck off. But, and I don’t actually know why I’m telling you this, but it seems like I’m about to so what the fuck. Obviously, I had no real idea that I was gay. I mean, I think I knew there was something, but I was repressing or whatever. But, I knew - oh Jesus - I knew there was something about you that I was drawn to. So, once, I decided that I was going to stop being so lame and, like, just talk to you. About something, anything. I’d seen you reading a rather battered copy of ‘Catcher in the Rye’ and I thought ‘right, I’m going to read it and then just randomly ask you a question about it, and then...’ well, I’d never got past that bit but that was the idea,” Emily paused for a breath.

“That’s kind of adorable, Emily,” Naomi said softly, moving her head as Emily moved to look her in the eye.

“Really?” she asked, the slight nervousness apparent in her eyes.

“Yeah,” Naomi replied, punctuating her reassurance with a brief kiss. She pulled back to find Emily’s eyes still closed. “But, I don’t remember us ever talking about ‘Catcher in the Rye’. And, seeing as we had approximately no conversations at school, I probably would have remembered.” Emily opened her eyes and nodded sadly before resuming her position on Naomi’s shoulder.

“Nope. I never managed to even get close to asking you. I read the book and everything, which I actually quite liked so it wasn’t a complete waste of time.”

“So what happened?” Naomi asked, removing her hand from Emily’s but proceeding to draw circles on her upturned palm.

“Well, do you remember Geoffrey Palmer?” Emily asked with a snort which was received by Naomi with a loud snort of her own.

“Oh my god, of course I do. God, I hated that boy. He was always fucking nosing around me. I think he thought he was my boyfriend. Idiot,” she scoffed.

“Right, well. I think I did as well. But once I heard you two talking, out by that big tree you always used to sit under. And he said something about the book, about relating to Holden Caulfield or something, and you snapped at him that you hated the fucking book and that you were only reading it for English. So, after that, I figured that I’d got it all wrong, and that I just shouldn’t bother. So I never asked you about it,” Emily said with a shrug.

“Blimey. I can’t believe you let that little fucker get in your way. Lucky for me you’ve got a bit braver lately,” Naomi teased.

“Yeah, well, you did let me snog you at that party, so I felt a little bit more like I could talk to you after that. Not that you made it easy, but that’s partly my fault too,” Naomi hushed her, shaking her head. “Anyway, I think I was most disappointed about the fact you hated the book when I thought it was brilliant.”

“Emily...” Naomi said, but it didn’t sound like an admonishment. She shifted, moving away and leaned down to reach under her bed. She rummaged around for a few seconds before sitting back up and handing Emily a very battered copy of the book. “I love this book. I just said that to get him to back the fuck off.”

“Oh,” she whispered, turning it over in her hands.

Naomi watched her, feeling a slight twinge in her stomach. She thought, at that moment, that she’d never liked Emily more. “I wish you had asked me.”

Emily laughed. “You probably would have told me to fuck off too.”

“Yeah well... maybe. But possibly not quite so harshly,” she sighed, offering Emily a small smile. Emily looked up and caught it, smiled back, and leaned in for a soft kiss. Naomi responded, kept it a lingering kiss. Emily hummed a sound of approval before moving one hand to Naomi’s cheek, the other kept loosely holding the book.

Who deepened the kiss then neither knew, but their lips began to move, opening to taste more of one another. Naomi moved her hand to Emily’s waist, drawing her in closer. Emily sighed, leaning in, kissing Naomi like she had always dreamed of kissing her. It was faster then, the way that their lips moved together, and Emily slid her hand up Naomi’s cheek and into her hair.

It was when Emily pulled slightly on the soft strands of blonde hair that Naomi released a sigh into Emily’s mouth, causing a throb to begin between the redhead’s legs. She squeezed them together, almost willing it to go away. She knew that they should be finishing their revision, being good, studious girls. Just friends. But her body was reacting. It would either have to stop here or...

Emily slowed the kiss and pulled away. Naomi looked at her through hooded eyelids.

“What’s the matter?” she asked, running her hand along Emily’s hips.

“I just... shouldn’t we be getting on with revision? It’s getting late.”

Naomi leaned a bit further away. Emily couldn’t believe she was actually stopping this.

“I think... don’t you think we’ve done enough revision for today?” she asked, her voice low, eyes on Emily’s lips.

“Oh... well, I suppose so. Then, shouldn’t I be getting home?” Emily said in a similar tone, watching as Naomi bit her own lip. There it was. The only outward sign of her inward struggle.

“I think I’d like it if you stayed over. I mean, do you...?” Naomi didn’t get the chance to finish her sentence as she found Emily’s lips on hers again. “Good...” she managed between kisses.

Carefully moving the book to the side of the bed, Emily threaded a hand back into Naomi’s hair and held on tightly as she slid over to straddle her. As she opened her legs she could feel how wet she was, knew that it was down to Naomi wanting her. She wondered if the blonde could feel it as she sat, her skirt riding up and her other hand reaching up to join the first already in Naomi’s hair.

Naomi could feel it. Could feel the warmth resonating from Emily as she pressed herself down. Thin layers of fabric were all that separated them and they were far too many layers for Naomi’s liking.

Her hands had found Emily’s waist and were now reaching up, touching the skin of her back as she pushed her t-shirt up further. Emily got the hint and found the front of her top, helping Naomi push it all the way up and over her head. Naomi remembered, then, the first time that she had seen Emily topless, how it stirred things up inside her, making her want to touch, to taste, to have her. Naomi leaned forward.

The skin on the top of Emily’s breasts was soft and creamy white, like she had never been out in the sun in her entire life, so much so that as Naomi put her mouth to it to leave small kisses, it turned red, marking where she had been. She slid her hands up Emily’s back and the redhead leaned into her, only to have her movements stopped by Emily’s bra. Naomi looked up at her then to see her mouth slightly open and her eyes squeezed shut. Naomi needed to feel more skin.

Undoing a bra from this angle is something Naomi had never done before, the top halves of their bikinis having remained in place during their first time, so as she reached to unclasp Emily’s now, she hoped that she didn’t make too much of a meal of it.

Surprisingly, it was easy, and the clasp came undone in her hands as she pressed her mouth back against Emily’s chest as the redhead gasped, looking down, only to be met by hungry blue eyes. Naomi pulled back again, her hands sliding up to the straps and slowly bringing them down Emily’s shoulders. She noticed that they were both trembling slightly but Naomi felt grounded with Emily’s hands at the back of her neck and her legs draped over her. It was all going to be fine.

Naomi watched, then, as she saw Emily’s breasts for the first time, not covered by anything. She bit her lip before feeling her chin being tilted upwards by small fingers.

“You ok?” Emily asked, fear evident in her brown eyes. Naomi smiled, the one that Emily felt only she was permitted to see.

“Yeah. You?” Naomi said softly. Emily could only nod. She was so much more than ok, but there was little time to analyse exactly how she was feeling as she felt Naomi reach up to cup the underside of her breast before putting her lips to an already erect nipple.

Emily released a low guttural sound, one which she had only made a few times before in her life, mainly on the night of the lake, as she felt Naomi’s tongue brush across her nipple and her mouth open wider to take more of it in.

“Oh, god...” Emily breathed as she kept a tight grip on Naomi’s hair. It was incredible, all of this. But she needed to feel Naomi closer. “Babe,” she gulped.

Naomi pulled back, a little concerned. “Mmm?” she said.

“Take your top off. I can’t quite reach it from here,” Emily instructed. Naomi nodded and reached down to remove her own t-shirt. It was oversized and faded. Emily was glad to see the back of it as it made its way over Naomi’s head, taking a large, dangling necklace along with it. “Much better,” she said as she pulled Naomi back in for a kiss, feeling as the blonde reached around to undo her own bra, only breaking the kiss to remove it entirely.

This was also a first for Emily, seeing Naomi completely topless. It took her breath away. She was unable to look for long though as she felt Naomi’s lips crash back into her own, feeling their newly naked breasts meet each other. They both moaned into one another’s mouths.

“Oh fuck... you feel... you feel so good,” Naomi managed between kisses.

“So do you,” Emily whimpered, running her hands along the length of Naomi’s back. She didn’t understand how skin could be this soft, this smooth underneath her fingers. It was accidental, almost, as she dug her nails in slightly as she went. Naomi breathed in deeply through her nose and clutched Emily tighter, digging her own nails into Emily’s back in response.

They had gotten better at kissing. No longer timid and slightly wary, they were strong, assertive kisses that screamed silently their need for one another, their want. Naomi could feel the heat building between her legs. The skirts were too much, now. Any clothing was too much.

Pushing on Emily’s hips, Naomi shifted the smaller girl off of her lap and down onto her back, never breaking the kiss. She would have to, though, just to get rid of what was getting in the way.

“Skirts,” was all she said as she reached down to undo and shuffle out of her own, watching as Emily undid the zip on her knee-length checked skirt. Naomi helped, then, and slid it down over Emily’s legs, stopping to take off socks, and throwing them all to the side of the bed.

Taking a moment, Naomi stopped. Emily was breathing heavily, her breasts moving up and down along with the movement of her chest. She reached for Naomi who settled down upon her, straddling her thigh in an action reminiscent, yet reversed, of earlier in the evening.

The girls both moaned at the contact. They could feel now, for sure, that this was right as thighs pressed against the damp fabric of their underwear. Their lips, now, moved slowly as they revelled in the moment. Naomi wasn’t sure if she meant to or not but, as she felt Emily’s hands slide into her hair again (she was getting very used to the feeling of that) she moved her hips into Emily’s, which pushed her thigh further still into the redhead. She gasped.

“Yeah?” asked Naomi. Emily nodded into the kiss. “Mmm...” the blonde offered back, feeling as Emily did the same, pushing themselves together in a slow rhythm.

Naomi brought a hand up from its position on Emily’s waist to find her breast. She took it, feeling as it fit into her hand, and squeezed slightly. Naomi understood, now, what it was about breasts. She didn’t think she could ever look at them the same way again, now that she’d felt one in her hand, and that that particular breast belonged to Emily. Emily whose hands had travelled down from Naomi’s hair to rest just above her bottom, nails digging in again.

It was turning her on, beyond belief in fact, to have Emily’s wet cunt (and she’d never called it that in a sexy way before, but that’s definitely what she needed to call it now) pressed into her thigh. Before, at the lake, she had touched Emily there, but through the bikini bottoms. Emily had come rather easily so Naomi didn’t have time to think about doing anything more. But she’d thought about it since. And she wanted to touch.

Stopping the kiss, which was slow and deep anyway, Naomi looked Emily in the eye.

“I want...” she started. “I mean, I think I want... to touch you.”

“Oh,” Emily shuddered. “Are you sure? You don’t have to if...”

“Emily,” Naomi stopped her. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said ‘I think’. I do. I mean, I do want to. Is that ok?”

Emily had to try not to laugh at the absurdity of it. Of course it was fucking ok. She didn’t think that there was anything that could be more ok in the world. But Naomi looked scared, not like, run away scared but just in need of reassurance. She had made herself vulnerable and Emily wanted nothing more than to let her know that it was all just going to be amazingly ok.

Threading their fingers together, Emily leaned up and caught Naomi’s lips in a brief kiss.

“Of course it is. If you’re sure, then yes,” she whispered, pressing Naomi’s hand to her breast before pushing to slowly down over her ribs and stomach to rest just above her underwear, a pair of girly boxers. “Ok?” Naomi nodded.

She kept her eyes trained, then, upon Emily’s, watching as they closed. Naomi allowed her fingers to slowly push below the band of her boxers, watching as her breath hitched. Naomi had to try hard not to close her eyes, then, not to fall into the moment, but she wanted to watch, to try to memorise every flicker of Emily’s eyelids, every twitch of her lip, to know Emily in this moment, one that they were sharing together.

Pushing her fingers down further she could feel the warmth there and she wanted to feel more of it. Naomi felt coarse hairs then and gulped. She didn’t stop there though, and the second she dipped her fingertips into Emily’s extremely wet cunt Naomi felt her whole body sigh.

Emily gasped, then, her eyes snapping open to meet Naomi’s, now wide with desire. They stopped still for what felt like eternity. Naomi slid her fingers down further, down the entire length of Emily’s wet centre, not pushing down, not yet. Just, feeling.

“Oh fuck, Em. You’re so... you’re so fucking wet,” Naomi breathed.

“Kiss me,” Emily demanded and Naomi complied, pushing their bodies back together as her fingers slid up and down, up and down through Emily’s wetness. It was incredible, how turned on she could be, touching a girl, touching Emily. It made Naomi push herself against Emily’s thigh, desperate for contact. But she wanted this moment to be about Emily, about Emily feeling good, because of her.

The kisses, then, became faster as Naomi’s fingers found what she thought must have been Emily’s clit. Emily moaned into Naomi’s mouth as their tongues met, just brushing past one another.

The boxers, Naomi realised, were a bit restricting at this point, as she wanted to feel around Emily’s clit with more freedom. She didn’t want to take her hand away, not yet, not when she’d only just got there. But, for the sake of everything that needed to happen next, she realised she would have to.

Pulling away slowly, Naomi heard Emily whimper but she made fast work of it, and quickly removed Emily’s boxers, pulling them down as far as she could reach before letting Emily kick them off the rest of the way. Her hand immediately resumed its position, a fingertip dancing lightly around Emily’s clit.

“Mmm, better,” Naomi murmured into Emily’s mouth.

“That’s so good... what you’re doing... it’s... oh fuck,” Emily said huskily. It was all the encouragement Naomi needed to keep going, to slide her fingers around Emily’s clit in small circles, increasing in speed as she went.

“Yeah? Like that?” Naomi asked, kissing her way down Emily’s neck, feeling fingernails dig into her shoulders.

“Yeah... yeah... oh fuck, Naomi... fuck...” Emily’s breathing became more laboured as Naomi stroked faster. “I think...”

“Yeah?” Naomi asked, bringing her lips back to meet Emily’s.

“I think, oh fuck...” Emily trailed off as Naomi pushed down a little harder, Emily’s clit held between two fingers. She kissed Emily as she felt her body tense and her legs begin to squeeze together. Emily made small, high-pitched sounds into Naomi’s mouth as she kissed her, never moving away from the kiss, wanting to feel as much of Naomi as she could as the pressure building reached its peak.

Emily came, hard, as Naomi held her, crushing their bodies together.

Fingers slowed and grips loosened as the girls breathed each other in. Naomi applied small, slow kisses to Emily’s lips as she came down from her high. Risking a brief look, Naomi scanned the length of their bodies. Emily’s chest was flushed and the inside of her thighs had traces of her wetness on them.

Naomi was extremely turned on. She bit her lip as she looked down at her hand which was pressed down, but static, into short, dark curls. It only took a moment to consider it when she slowly moved her hand away and brought it to her mouth, pushing her fingertips into her mouth, tasting all that was Emily.

She closed her eyes and when she opened them she was met by wide brown eyes, staring in wonder.

“Oh,” she said, after taking her fingers away and placing her hand back on Emily’s hip.

“You’re... that was... fucking hell,” Emily smiled, shaking her head.

“Yeah... I liked that. A lot,” Naomi smiled. Emily reached up and ran her fingers through Naomi’s hair.

“Me too. Well, obviously,” she chuckled. Naomi shifted off her elbow and laid down, pulling Emily over to nestle in the crook of her shoulder.

“You tired, Em?” Naomi asked, kissing Emily’s hair.

“No... just let me get my breath back,” she kissed Naomi’s chest.

“Don’t be too long...” Naomi said as she squeezed Emily tighter. The throbbing between Naomi’s legs hadn’t subsided and she thought that there was probably only one way to fix that. She could wait a few minutes, though. Emily was a shining example of patience and she was proving to be an excellent teacher in other areas so Naomi didn’t see any reason that she couldn’t follow her lead once more and just wait. Just... for a few minutes, anyway.

Final Part

fanfic, naomily

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