Title: Make Your Own Walking Post
flightjacket Pairing: general (walking playlist)
A/N: I've been developing this playlist since my freshman year of college for my own personal mood-boosting purposes, but I thought since it's my last semester of senior year I should preserve it for future generations of campus ambulators. I hope it will have equal use to commuters of all kinds, as well as other people who just like walking, hahaha.
DOWNLOAD ZIPS You’re walking along with your headphones in when a new song starts up on your iPod and something about it rubs you the right way. Something about it makes you change your pace just to match the beat. The right musical cue can bring a fresh spring to your step, a little extra swing to your hips, a sanguine smile to your face. According to personal experience popular report, it might even make you fantasize seriously about bursting into a spontaneous musical number.* This is what I like to call a walking post song. Gather enough of these into your iPod, and you are virtually guaranteed to feel like a movie star as you traverse the streets on business of a (no doubt) very important and highly fabulous nature.
This mix brings you the best of my personal walking playlist. It comes in three themed parts, but is meant to be shuffled and pruned according to taste, mood, and length of walk.
Mix art depicts universal spirit animal, Karen Gillan, because you can only hope your candid shots come out half as amazing as hers. :)
DOWNLOAD ZIP You know that moment when you’re walking out of your dorm/apartment/etc and the first song you pull up on your iPod has got a little something extra that sends a thrill down your spine? That makes you do a little hop when you step off the curb? That pumps you up enough to gratify yourself into thinking you look like the cheerful, go-getter type of person who might be starring in a feel good movie which begins with a walking montage of your very own to accompany the opening credits? You don’t? Welcome to the Spring section of this walking post mix.
Mika - Love Today
Dragonette - Magic Fantastic
Alphabeat - Fantastic 6
Vampire Weekend - A-Punk
Hall & Oates - You Make My Dreams
Powerline (A Goofy Movie) - Stand Out
Scouting For Girls - Heartbeat
Booty Luv - Some Kinda Rush
Foreigner - Juke Box Hero
DJ Earworm - United State of Pop 2009 (Blame It on the Pop)
DOWNLOAD ZIP You know you are a hot piece, but sometimes you need a little reminding. Sometimes you just want/need to be Emma Stone strutting down the halls in Easy A. This Swing section features some fun songs to get you in the mood to throw a few winks as you do your little turn on the catwalk.
Heart - Barracuda
They Might Be Giants - S-E-X-X-Y
Peaches - Boys Wanna Be Her
Tom Jones - Sexbomb
Edwyn Collins - Girl Like You
The Ting Tings - Shut Up and Let Me Go
Patrick Wolf - Tristan
Franz Ferdinand - This Boy
Right Said Fred - I’m Too Sexy
Cake - Short Skirt, Long Jacket
DOWNLOAD ZIP Sometimes days don’t turn out great. Sometimes life gets you down. Sometimes you just need some music that will keep you putting one foot in front of the other, just so you can make it home. And sometimes there are songs that express all your life’s frustrations and still somehow, miraculously, make you want to dance and sing your heart out, too.* It’s a peculiar gift. Catharsis is a beautiful thing. And on that note, we come to the end of this mix. TGIF.
Harvey Danger - Flagpole Sitta
The Kooks - Always Where I Need To Be
The Enemy - Away From Here
Janelle Monae (Ft. Big Boi) - Tightrope
Frank Turner - Photosynthesis
Rooney - When Did Your Heart Go Missing
Queen - Don’t Stop Me Now
The Hoosiers - Goodbye Mr A
Rosario Dawson (Rent Film Cast) - Out Tonight
The Wombats - Let’s Dance To Joy Division
DOWNLOAD ZIPS Will mirror/reupload on request. Comments are cherished.
*I have certainly never actually flitted through the deserted hallways of my campus of an evening, angrily mouthing lyrics and pretending to be in a rock musical. No, no sir, no one can prove that was me.