Title: Kurayami (Darkness) Fandom: Harukanaru Toki no Naka de Pairing: Eisen/Akane... sort of Rating: PG Disclaimer: Not mine, but I want the games!! Notes: Translations at the bottom.
Awww! ::whines:: Poor thing, he goes through so much hell (okay, so I base that on the first game and not the show since I haven't seen all of it... >_>) and gets pushed to the side a lot. Dark darkness indeed. ::fwibble:: My two cents, it's fine like it is.
Yeah, you know what they say about hurting those you love... I still don't know where this Eisen obsession came from, as he'd totally not the type of character I normally go for... >.> Saa. Thank you though! ::squishes you and Eisen::
The title should have tipped me off that this wasn't going to be your fluffy rainbows and hearts story, but I guess I'm just used to expecting the happy ending. I like how the twist is that there isn't a twist, though, and I think you should leave the ending alone, too. =D
Thanks! I actually had intended it to be a short, completely fluffy story, but as I was writing it this occurred to me instead, and I liked it so much better. But yes, poor Eisen!
I should've expected that this wouldn't end up too fluffy when I read the title. I'm normally used to seeing Eisen in the cutesy fluffy rainbow coated world, so this was a bit new for me but otherwise the story's quite well written and IMO a tad haunting ^^;*huggles poor Eisen*
Part of me wondered if this wasn't a bit too far out there for Eisen, but he's got that sense of devotion to him, so I don't think it's too far off base. But yes, different from most of what I've seen out there. ^^;;
I'm so sorry it took me so long to notice your comments!! Thank you so very much! I love Eisen to pieces too! Someday I want to write him a happy fic, but I've yet to get an idea as to how to go about that. Someday...
Comments 8
My two cents, it's fine like it is.
Thank you though! ::squishes you and Eisen::
The title should have tipped me off that this wasn't going to be your fluffy rainbows and hearts story, but I guess I'm just used to expecting the happy ending. I like how the twist is that there isn't a twist, though, and I think you should leave the ending alone, too. =D
Still, poor Eisen... =P
Thanks for commenting!
Shall look forward to seeing more of your work :)
Thank you for reading! ^^
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