Группа американских товарищей, которые называют себя Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) и публикуют свои обращения на сайте Роберта Пэрри consortiumnews.com, засветилась в деле MH17 несколько раз. В июле 2014 и июле 2015 они писали обращения к Обаме с требованием рассекретить всю информацию, которая есть про этот случай у американской разведки.
В обращении от 22 июля 2015 (незадолго до знаменитого заседания СБ ООН) говорилось:
Currently, the only thing the American public and worldwide audiences know for sure is that the plane was shot down. But the shoot-down might have been accidental, carried out by any one of a number of parties. Or it might have been orchestrated by anti-government forces, with Moscow either conniving in some way in that action or not. It is also possible that the downing was deliberately carried out by the Kiev government or one of Ukraine’s powerful oligarchs to implicate the anti-Kiev forces and Russia in this mass murder. And finally, though less likely, it might even be that based on the available intelligence it is impossible to determine who did it.
https://consortiumnews.com/2015/07/22/obama-should-release-mh-17-intel/ В Америке на эти обращения мало кто обращал внимание, но они активно транслировались кремлевскими СМИ (каналом RT, Sputnik, РИА и т.п.) Вот, например, один из участников VIPS, Larry Johnson, выступает на RT.
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Об этих потугах можно было бы забыть, но теперь к Larry Johnson наконец пришла всемирная слава. Его показания по делу о прослушке Дональда Трампа, впервые озвученные на канале RT, повторяются на Fox News и транслируются самим президентом и его пресс-секретарем.
Significantly, on March 5-the day after the president unleashed his “wiretapping” tweetstorm-Johnson went on RT to float his latest conspiracy theory, that President Obama illegally monitored Donald Trump and his entourage last year, co-opting IC leadership in secret efforts to derail the Republican nominee. On air, Johnson explicitly pointed the finger at British intelligence in this plot, repeatedly referring to GCHQ as the alleged culprit-though he laughably kept calling it “GHCQ.”
This, then, is the origin of the fact-free assertion that the Brits spied on Trump for Obama: a perfect example of the RT to Fox News to White House chain of lies. In other words, this was unfettered Kremlin disinformation, proffered by a notorious crank in Putin’s service. Johnson subsequently spoke to The New York Times, at Napolitano’s request, admitting he was the source for the “bombshell” story, asserting that the information came from unnamed IC officials.
These mysterious officials, if they exist-and, given Johnson’s track record, there’s no reason to think they do-have no idea what they’re talking about. The president’s “wiretapping” hoax has generated the strongest public denials and denunciations ever recorded in the annals of both British and American intelligence.
http://observer.com/2017/03/donald-trump-wiretapping-kremlin-disinformation/ Но не надо думать, что распространением подобной информации занимается только канал RT (а также полезные идиоты в Fox News). Larry Johnson и другой его товарищ по Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, William Binney, смогли опубликовать свои сведения в другом солидном издании, National Enquirer.
DONALD TRUMP was wiretapped - by a secret spy operation approved by Barack Obama and carried out by outlaw American intelligence agents trying to sabotage the president! What’s more, that operation - code-named Stellar Wind - is the SAME one exposed by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden in 2013 and one that taps every American citizen’s calls on a daily basis. “They’re like J. Edgar Hoover on steroids,” 30-year NSA chief turned-whistleblower William Binney exclusively told The National ENQUIRER. “They’re trying to control the president or even get another one. The things they want are money, control and power - and Trump is fighting them!” Meanwhile, another ex-U.S. intelligence agent told The ENQUIRER he has learned the British version of the NSA, the U.K. Government Communications Headquarters, also intercepted the calls of Trump officials and possibly those of Trump himself, and handed THAT information over to Obama administration spooks in America. “I have friends who still occupy senior positions in the U.S. government,” Larry C. Johnson, a CIA intelligence officer from 1985 to 1989, revealed to The ENQUIRER.
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