Insta Drabbles

Mar 27, 2006 00:57

I haven't done that in ages, and I blame juno_magic for dragging me into it ...

Needless to say: they all feature Aragorn.


"We have no army in the North, no legion to muster at need," Aragorn said sternly.

Boromir was surprised that his needling remark had garnered such a vehement response.

"Annúminas lies abandoned, Fornost has fallen and most of our infrastructure of old is lost, yet we have not given up our fight against Sauron and his forces. And we never will!"

Aragorn rose to his feet in one swift movement and stood towering above Boromir. "Never again claim that none but Gondor's people stand against the Enemy!"

Not waiting for a reply, Aragorn turned and vanished into the greying dawn.

Fair Annúminas

Aragorn stood on the top of the highest summit of Emyn Uial. Below him the hill's south-eastern slope descended into the clear waters of Lake Evendim, scattered crags and boulders stood out dark against the foliage, and the westering sun cast the lake's far shore in a golden, glowing light. He looked at his wife and drew her closer until they stood fused to each other, revelling in the sight that lay before them.

"This place always had a sacred feel to it. But to see the beauty of fair Annúminas restored ..." Aragorn smiled at Arwen and kissed her.

Longing for Spring

Aragorn drew his cloak tighter around him, but even the thick wool could not keep out the icy chill of the strong wind that swept down from the mountains. He scowled. The relentless rain of the previous two days had turned into sleet and the ground was covered in half-frozen mud.

"What are you thinking about?" Halbarad asked from the other side of their sorry excuse of a fire.

"What I think about?" Aragorn gave up the futile attempt to light his pipe."Well, I am thinking of grass and sunshine, of periwinkle and daisy. Why do you ask?"
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