Title: Excitement on Craggy Island
fleurlb Crossover: Father Ted/True Blood (yes, seriously :))
Characters: Father Ted, Father Dougal, Father Jack, Mrs. Doyle, Eric, Pam
Word Count: 4,000
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None that I can think of.
Warning(s): None that I can think of.
Disclaimer: I own nothing here and am just doing this for fun.
Summary: After the
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“Would you look at that, Ted. Makes you wonder what other sorts of mad things are actually true,” said Dougal when he was finally able to form a coherent thought.
Father Ted rubbed his hands on his trousers. “Yes...I’m wondering myself about werewolves and zombies.”
“How about the Resurrection, Ted? Wouldn’t it be wild if that were true too?”
I nearly fell off my chair. So pitch-perfect Dougal.
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