The Old Gods Return
(Sam/Dean, nc-17, 16154 words, altered states sex, mentions of mpreg, some sexual molestation)
Written for
spn_boc. Many thanks to
roseganymede for helping me choose an awesome prompt, and to HP Lovecraft, who created the universe that collides with the regular SPN one here. Also thanks to
greenspine for reading through this monster. ♥
The envelope is waiting for them behind the desk of the motel when they try to check out. )
Comments 11
Casefic with a side of believable mpreg! I read it more than once, bookmarked it, read it again, and with the last go, it occurred to me that I never left you any feedback. Argh. I love it, plain and simple: the writing style is superb, there is a solid plot to back up the mpreg side, and the eerie atmosphere feels so, so, real. I adore this fic.
Thank you for sharing!
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