Bulletproof: part six

Jun 24, 2008 22:11

part five

For the next few days, Jared is on high alert for any attempt of Carl's to further persuade Jensen. Once he reaches the stage of seriously considering whether he should be sleeping on Jensen's couch in order to make sure Carl doesn't try to break in, he decides he needs to step it down a notch. Still, he very much approves of them getting out of town for a few days, even if it's for a three-day appointment with Frank.

Like last time, he drives Jensen down to the house well in advance of the client's arrival. While Jensen looks over everything, making sure it's as perfect as his standards demand, Jared spends a lazy hour or two sprawled out by the pool, listening to the water and watching the shadows of the leaves on the trees dance across the paving stones.

Frank isn't like Jeff in as much as Jared doesn't like him much and doesn't feel comfortable around him, but he's not as bad as some of Jensen's clients. For example, Jensen can never take appointments the day after seeing Nick Buxcey because he's still too bruised and sore. Frank's rough, yeah, but not to that degree. But still, Jared has no misconceptions about this weekend being as…. well, as not completely unbearable as last time.

Maybe he'll need a whole month in San Antonio to recover this time.

It's late afternoon by the time Frank's car - a black Jaguar that in Jared's estimation is about a thousand times lamer than Jeff's awesome truck - pulls up outside the house. Jensen lounges in the doorway, legs crossed at the ankles, and Jared doesn't really know where to put himself. He guesses he should make his presence known, say a quick hello, and then get the hell out of the way.

Frank trudges up the drive, grins when he sees Jensen waiting for him, and inexplicably lets his gaze shift just behind him to encompass Jared. Everything feels like it just got a little more complicated.


Going with his gut, Jared keeps out of the way as much as possible. Unfortunately, he's unable to avoid overhearing more than he's comfortable with because Frank seems to like it when Jensen makes some noise. Every so often, Jared tries turning his iPod off and listening to the calm hush, waiting to hear if the coast is clear. And then there'll be a sudden slam and a high, keening noise that he recognises as Jensen. So he's spent the last six hours in his room and has no intention of venturing out.

Doesn't mean everyone else is aware of his plan to hide-out, or is willing to go along with it.

When there's a knock at the door, Jared assumes it's Jensen. He's pretty damn alarmed to find Frank there instead. Frank's got a shit-eating grin on his face, but at least he's got clothes on. Jared raises an eyebrow at him.

"C'mon," says Frank. "Come have a beer with us."

There's a stubborn little voice in Jared that wants to insist that Frank just bring him a bottle and leave him the hell alone. But if Frank's determined to drag him out of his room then Jared figures he better get it over and done with.

So he follows Frank into the spacious living room with its low, brown leather couch and single sheepskin rug sprawled out over the polished floorboards. Jensen's standing at the window, in his jeans and a thin black t-shirt, and the tense lines of his shoulders give Jared the impression of walking in on an argument. But Frank's still smiling and when Jensen turns round to look at him, he seems relaxed enough.

Frank hands Jared a fresh bottle and then sits down on the couch, one smug, kingly bastard. He holds a hand out to Jensen and when Jensen crosses to sit beside him, he curls his arm around his shoulders and hauls him in to his side. Jared sees the sudden flush on Jensen's cheeks, and when Jensen won't meet his eyes Jared doesn't try to make him.

Refusing to make it seem like he intends to hang around, Jared doesn't sit down. Instead, he loiters near the doorway and lets his toes sink into the thick softness of the rug.

"You don't like me very much, do you, Jared?" Frank says.

"I'm not the one paid to like you," Jared says, with a smile as big as Frank's. He sees a muscle in Jensen's throat flicker but Frank's grin doesn't falter.

He's still grinning when he presses his mouth in a hot, open-mouthed kiss to Jensen's jaw, eyes lowering from Jared's face only at the last moment. Besides tilting his head to bare more skin for Frank's mouth, Jensen doesn't react. His gaze is fixed on a point on the far wall. Frank's hand slides over Jensen's thigh, simply holding him for a second before he manhandles Jensen across his lap, cants his hips upwards and makes Jensen ride the shape of his cock pushing into the dip of his ass.

It's a display for Jared and he can't ignore the sudden heat in his belly or the fact he wants to be the one touching Jensen like that. But he doesn't have to play along. Especially not when the careful blankness of Jensen's expression suggests he's not at all happy about it.

"Shouldn't we maybe take this somewhere more private?" Jensen murmurs, the words getting more slurred as he turns his face to try to catch the kiss Frank is pressing to his jawbone.

"No, baby," says Frank. He settles one big hand on Jensen's belly, pressing him back against his chest and keeping him there. "See, I've been thinking about this. About Jared. About the way you two look at each other. You know what it does to me, baby?" He wraps his fingers around Jensen's wrist and drags his hand down between their spread thighs, and like some automatic reflex, Jensen starts palming at the shape of Frank's cock where it juts up along the seam of his jeans.

A hitched, breathy noise slips from Jensen's slack lips and he still won't look at Jared. And Jared knows he should get up and walk away but he can't because Jensen is so fucking beautiful like this and he's being laid out and presented specially for Jared.

Frank's gaze moves to Jared and fixes on him, even as he puts his lips to Jensen's ear and whispers, low and growling, "I want him to see you getting fucked, baby. I wanna show him just what a filthy whore you are. I wanna see his face when he sees your slutty little hole all stuffed full of cock. I want him to see just how fucking desperate you get for something up your ass, how you don’t even care what you're begging for so long as I give it to you good and hard."

The world tilts sideways and Jared has to blink to keep it steady. His cheeks are burning, his mouth is dry. And it only gets worse when Jensen looks straight back at him. They don't speak; Jared just stares at him and Jensen makes a decision.

"It'll cost you," Jensen says, neutral even as he's letting his hips roll against Frank's as Frank pulls him one way and another. "One-thousand. He watches, that's all."

Frank snorts and hooks Jensen's legs over his knees, spreading him wide. "Five-hundred," he says, and Jared registers how neither of them is even bothering to look at him right now. He's obviously not part of the negotiations. Best left to the customer and the professional, he guesses. He'd like to feel bitter and used, but he can’t, because Jensen is sprawled out like a toy in Frank's lap and Frank is idly petting him and playing with him.

"You want it, you can pay for it," Jensen says. "Nine-hundred. Last offer."

"Deal," Frank says. Then, business done, he looks at Jared and grins, broad white teeth bared. "Gonna show you what to do with him, gonna show you how he needs to be used."

Briskly, he flips the buttons on Jensen's fly and works at getting the jeans down over Jensen's narrow hips. Jensen moans, hungry and whorish, and kicks the jeans down off his legs, and Jared's eyes go straight to his cock, long and already half hard. Franks laughs and Jared feels a rush of hot guilt, for playing along so neatly. For being so obvious.

"S'okay," says Frank. "You're supposed to be looking."

He grips Jensen's thighs and yanks them wide, spreading him out in the best pornography Jared's ever seen. Jensen just leans back into him, eyes half-hooded and not wavering from Jared, chest rising and falling in needy, little pants. Frank's hand dips beneath Jen's body and the creak of a zipper sounds strangely loud in the room. There's a little fiddling around and the crinkle of a condom wrapper.

And then there's a twitch of muscles in Frank's forearm and Jensen makes a cut-off, helpless noise, eyes going wide as he squirms against the arm Frank's got like a bar over his belly, holding him down.

And Jared doesn't even have to see it to know Frank's shoved his cock in him.

It seems to take Jensen a moment to relax into being so suddenly and totally full. He struggles frantically, uselessly, like it's instinct to try to escape but Frank's hand splays wide over hip and mercilessly tugs him down tighter onto him. Then Jensen makes another of those hurt, keening noises and goes still. Frank's knuckles skim his ribs, tongue striping hot, glistening lines over his throat, like he's trying to soothe him even as he makes him take his whole damn cock all at once.

Jared can't stay on his feet any longer. He has to sit down, ends up sinking awkwardly into a chair, barely able to see straight, let alone stay upright.

"See?" says Frank, looking at Jared. There's a hoarse undertone to Frank's voice, giving away that he's nowhere near as cool as he wants them both to think. "He knows just how I like it. Knows I like him to fight, like it when he goes all tight and angry. 'Cause then I get to put him down and fuck him even harder. He knows what he's doing."

Slow but unrelenting, Frank bodily lifts Jensen and Jared can see the stretch of delicate skin, already pink and puffy, where Frank's cock, thick and stiff, is buried in Jensen's ass. It's absolutely the most obscene thing Jared's ever seen and it makes him so hard he's almost crazy with it.

"He knows what I want, but I know what he wants," says Frank. He kisses the furled tip of Jensen's ear and grins. "C'mon, Jenny, tell me how much you wanna suck that boy's cock. Tell me what you want him to do to you."

When Jensen doesn't answer, his lips twitching into something sulky, Frank hauls him up against his chest and slams his hips upwards, driving his cock right up inside him. Jensen gives a quick, sharp cry and his hands fly into claws, fingers digging cruelly into where he's holding onto Frank's forearms to steady himself.

"Tell me," Frank says again. "Tell me how it'd go."

Jared can't help leaning forward in his chair. Because he wants to hear it too, more than Frank wants to hear it. If this is as close as he ever gets to having Jensen, it'll be enough, but he needs as much of it as he can get. The air feels sticky on his skin and even his breath feels hot and wet in his throat.

"He'd try to be gentle, treat me like I'm something fragile, precious," Jensen says finally, his voice a dazed murmur. He wets his lips, pink tongue flickering over his dark, bruised-looking mouth. "But I don't want it like that."

"No?" says Frank. He's working his hips now, steady as a sea wave, making Jensen ride his cock in slow, undulating rolls. "Tell me what you want him to do to you."

"Want him to put me down on my knees and… and, I want him to feed me his cock, God, his fucking gorgeous cock, inch by inch, want him to make me take it. Want him to hold my face in those fucking enormous paws and put his cock between my lips and push and push… 'til he hits the back of my throat and I can't take it 'cause he's so fucking big and, and hard, and then, then I want him to keep pushing, and it'll fucking hurt but he's gonna make me take it anyway."

"'Cause you're a whore, and he knows it," says Frank. His breath is coming short and fast, chest heaving. "'Cause he knows you've got a filthy cocksucking mouth, yeah? And he knows you're fucking useless unless you're getting fucked, right?"

Frank could be saying anything he wanted - Jensen's not paying any attention. His attention is fixed solely on Jared, eyes all lit up as he writhes and pushes back on the cock Frank's working him up and down on. Frank isn't even in the room so far as Jared's aware. It's just the way Jensen's looking at him and those things he's saying.

"Want him to make me his cockslut. Want him to break my goddamn jaw fucking my mouth. Want him to press my face between his legs and use me." A choked sob works its way loose from Jensen as Frank fucks into him, thrusts turning sloppy and rough. "Wanna taste his come on my tongue, want him to lick the taste of his cock outta my mouth."

There is no way Jared has ever been more aroused in his life. He keeps thinking it and then Jensen says something else and his cock throbs even harder. But there's some strange part of him that won't allow him to touch himself. God, he wants to come. He'd come right now if he would just touch himself. But he can't get himself past the line between watching and participating. If Jensen was reluctant about this in the slightest, Jared doesn't want to make it worse.

Even though he thinks he might just about die. And when it feels like he really might, and Frank's hand is curling around Jensen's cock to jack him off, the only thing Jared can do is leave.

He strides down the passage, back to his room and shuts the door as carefully and quietly as he can. Then he braces his forearm against it, presses his face into it, shoves his hand down his pants and comes in three quick strokes of his cock.


No one bothers him for hours. He hears them moving around in the house, the low hum of their voices, but no one comes to his door. Evening draws in, the sky pale purple and smooth, dusted with shreds of clouds. Jared showers and combs his hair and lies down on his bed to stare at the ceiling and maybe, if he's lucky, fall asleep.

He doesn't know how long he sleeps for. It doesn't feel like long but when he opens his eyes, his room is dark and the night is right outside his window. He knuckles away the sticky feeling of sleep in his eyes and sits up in his bed. Everything feels slightly unreal, like maybe he's still asleep.

His belly rumbles and Jared registers the dull gnaw of hunger. It's ages since he last ate and the aftertaste of beer he drank is sour in his mouth. He checks his watch: 11:18. He has no idea if Frank and Jensen have gone to bed. The house seems quiet though and Jared's prepared to risk it in order to find himself something to eat.

Creeping to the kitchen, he's able to discover some cold, cooked chicken, which he devours in no time at all. He's just leaning over to search the refrigerator more thoroughly when he hears the floorboards creak behind him.

It's Jensen. He seems pale under his tan but composed. He meets Jared's gaze for a second and then looks away - Jared finds himself weirdly relieved by that. Shoving his hands awkwardly into his pockets, Jensen glances over the kitchen.

"I'm sorry. About… earlier. He's been talking about it for ages. I thought it might shut him up. I didn't think he'd pay that much for it." He risks a quick look at Jared and nods. "I’ll make sure Sam knows the money goes to you."

Jared nods in response, even though he doesn't give a flying fuck about the money. "Where's Frank now?" he says.

Jensen jerks his head at the doorway. "In bed. Asleep. The beer put him out pretty good. Still…" He takes a step away. "I should get back to him." He pauses, then looks straight at Jared and says, "We're okay, aren't we?"

"Yeah," says Jared, then stops to actually think about it. He finds a grin and pastes it on. "We're good."

Jensen nods distractedly and turns to go again, and then, before Jared even realises what's happening, Jensen's on his knees in front of him, hands curving about Jared's hips, and pushing his face into Jared's groin. His mouth is warm and open over the bulge of Jared's cock. Jared sways on his feet and his hand comes down on the bristled velvet crop of Jensen's hair to steady himself.

They seem frozen like that and Jared can hear, can feel, the deep long sighs of Jensen's breathing, muffled in his thighs. Then, as Jared's cock grows steadily harder, Jensen begins to mouth over the shape of him, his lips hot even through the stiff denim of Jared's jeans. He can feel the head of his cock pressing damp against the seam and somehow, Jensen seems to find it, his hands flex tighter on Jared's hips as he suckles and kisses.

Jared scrapes his fingers through Jensen's hair, cradles the back of his skull in his hand.

"Jen," he mumbles. "What are you doing?"

Whatever Jensen says gets lost in Jared's head when Jensen gets his fly undone and starts mouthing over Jared's belly. Jared's fingers scrabble against Jensen's scalp and all of a sudden, Jensen's looking up at him, green eyes dark with intent and his lips pink and glistening.

"Do you want me to stop?" he says, firm and serious. "You gotta tell me if you want me to back off." He laughs and something unthreads in his voice. "'Cause I'm kind of having trouble thinking straight right now."

"No," Jared whispers. "Don't stop. I don't want you to stop."

A visible shiver goes right through Jensen and it takes him a second to click back into what he's doing, instead of just kneeling there, looking straight up into Jared's face. Then he slides his hand into the v of Jared's open fly and eases his cock free.

"Jesus," Jensen says, his voice thick and fucked out, and he breathes in wide, open-mouthed pants. He stares at Jared's cock for a second, thumb flicking backwards and forwards over the thick vein that runs along the underside. It's only when Jared manages a faint please that he finally moves.

He takes Jared's cock between his lips, lets it slide, heavy and hard, over his tongue and then simply nurses it in his mouth, sucking and licking, sweet and eager to please. And Jared wants to remind him that Jensen had said he'd be the one who was too gentle. But his brain won't form words and instead he just buckles over, folds over Jensen until it's only his hand on Jensen's shoulder keeping him upright.

"Oh God," Jared mumbles, through lips that won't cooperate. "Jen, so fucking perfect…"

And that's all it takes for Jensen to be swallowing him down, lips wrapped tight and slippery about the length of him as he fucks his own mouth on Jared's cock like he needs it more than he does oxygen. The sound of it, dirty and sloppy and greedy, fills the kitchen and Jared's hips jerk helplessly. His head never stopping working between Jared's thighs, Jensen reaches up to find Jared's hand, presses it hard against the back of his head, and Jared knows what he's being told to do. Knows what he's being offered.

Instead, he just rides Jensen's face, because it's enough just to have his cock fucking into Jensen's hot, clinging lips, slip-sliding down his throat with each thrust. Jensen tries taking more of him, whimpering in frustration as he opens up so wide he's in danger of snapping his jaw, but still can't fit all of Jared's cock in his mouth. So he has to make do with fitting the rest of it in the curl of his fingers because it seems like he's pretty sure all of Jared's cock is his and he needs to make that claim.

Jared isn't going to fight him on that. He just stays bent almost in two, mindlessly stroking and petting the soft skin at the nape of Jensen's neck and the curve of his collarbone, damp with sweat. He could do any damn thing he wanted, could fuck Jensen's face until he damn near gagged on it, could come all over his too-pretty face or… or he could just put his hands on Jensen and move him, manhandle him down over the counter and slide his spit-slick cock deep inside Jensen's slutty, ever-willing ass.

Jensen would let him do anything he wanted to him.

Right then, Jared comes in rib-cracking, messy spurts. He feels Jensen drink it down, swallowing until there's no more, and then he laps at Jared's softening cock before letting it slip free with a crude, wet pop. Before Jared's even started to catch his breath, Jensen's on his feet. And it's both because his lips look so swollen - so obviously fucked - and because Jared has no intention of letting him treat this like one more service that Jared grabs him by the arm, swings Jensen round and traps him in the corner with his body. One hand planted either side of Jensen's head and Jared's body a long sinuous line over him.

There's a look in Jensen's eyes that Jared hasn't seen before. Not fear, something like being overwhelmed. It looks so goddamn sublime that Jared doesn't stop watching, doesn't close his eyes until his mouth is on Jensen's. It's sweeter than he expected, sweet the way Jensen's lips part for Jared's tongue, sweet to find the taste of his own come in Jensen's mouth.

Not fierce or desperate. Tender, reverent. Which is much scarier. Jared's willing to bet he's got that same overwhelmed look in his own eyes.

When Jared slides his hand down to cup Jensen's cock through his jeans, Jensen hides his face in Jared's neck, and his breath is hot and damp on Jared's skin as Jared holds him and works him through it, 'til he's shuddering and gasping.

Finally, Jensen puts his hands on Jared's shoulders and pushes himself upright. His face is flushed, his eyelashes spiky with tears. Jared isn’t sure what he should say right now. He's fucked Jensen's mouth and kind of given him a handjob and kissed him.

"I'm not sorry," is what he comes up with. It's defiant and abrupt, but he means it. He shakes his head and says, "I'm not."

It drags a hoarse laugh from Jensen. "'Kay," he says. He turns to leave again, pauses, then doesn't look back at Jared as he says, "Me neither."


Avoiding seeing Jensen and/or Frank is still top of Jared's to-do list the next day. Not because he doesn’t want to see Jensen, because that's a totally ridiculous idea as he would very very very much like to see Jensen. But he doesn't quite dare. He's pretty sure there's gonna be a physical compulsion to just fucking beam at Jensen if he sees him and that'd be obvious.

So, he eats breakfast early and keeps to his room afterwards. Maybe Jensen's spoken to him or maybe he's just not willing to spend another nine-hundred dollars, but Frank doesn't come looking for him. Jensen doesn't either and Jared worries about that until he gets to thinking exactly how much chance Jensen's got of coming to see him without Frank coming too.

In the afternoon, while they're both out by the pool, Jared makes a quick run to the kitchen for lunch. He slaps a piece of steak between some bread and wolfs it down. Jared recognises the weirdness in behaving like this but has no intention of changing. Things'll be different once Frank's gone. Then he can find out exactly how things are between him and Jensen.

He spends the rest of the day counting down the hours until tomorrow.


Before Frank leaves, he slams Jensen up against the wall and shoves his tongue down his throat. Jensen clings onto him, spreads his legs for the knee Frank thrusts between his thighs. Jared scratches his nose, huffs and waits for Frank to get a fucking move on and go.

When he finally lets go of Jensen, Frank gives Jared a grin and says, "Maybe next time Jenny'll let you play too, huh?"

"Mmm, maybe," Jared says, polite and neutral as he can.

Both Jared and Jensen stand in the cool doorway of the house and wait for Frank's car to disappear over the blurry, azure-blue edge of the horizon. They don't talk, don't even look at each other, until he's gone. Then Jensen puts a hand to Jared's chest and it's not a pat because his fingers linger too long but not long enough either.

"Take me home, Jay," is all he says.

Jared can still feel the echo of his touch after Jensen's brushed by him and gone to pack his bag.


The drive back is quiet and comfortable and Jared is contentedly aware of Jensen's presence, right there beside him, the whole way. When he takes a sidelong look at him, Jensen's gazing out the window, chin propped up on his hand, and a smile on his lips.

Nothing's resolved. Jared doesn't know what - if anything - Jensen wants from him. He doesn't know if it's a one-time deal or if there's going to be more like it but that it'll only ever going to be about getting off. Neither option is what Jared wants in a perfect world, but he has a weird kind of zen about it, if only because he doesn't think he's seen Jensen smile like that before.

When they pull up outside Jensen's place, Jensen climbs out of the car and collects his bag from the backseat. He leans up against the car door, looking through the open window at Jared. There's a second where he's about to say something and then Jared grins at him because he just can't help it and Jensen grins back at him.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Jared," he says.

Jared drives home, still grinning. He unpacks his things then drops down on the couch with a beer and calls Chad.

Chad answers the phone with, "So, was it so bad you need to go running back to mommy again?"

"Uh, no," says Jared. "No, not fucking bad at all."

"Jesus Christ, you got laid. Didn't you? You got fucking laid."

"Maybe slightly," Jared allows.

There's a pause and Jared can hear the cogs in Chad's brain turning. "How do you get slightly laid? You only stick it half the way in? Oh God, you didn't come too soon, did you? Man, you should be able to hold on by now 'til you got it rooted! You're twenty-fucking-four and he's. Not. That. Hot."

"I kissed him," Jared says, refusing to be drawn into any discussion about premature ejaculation. "I mean, yeah, he sucked me off and I gave him a handjob but… I kissed him."

"Shit," says Chad. "You really are a girl. A really goddamn ugly one, but… you're more excited about getting a kiss than a handjob or blowjob. Jesus, I don't think I can be your friend anymore."

"Oh are we friends?" Jared coos. "Are you gonna be my bestest friend for ever and ever? Should we exchange friendship bracelets and crap?"

"Shuddup." There's a long, discontented silence, and then Chad says, "Is he worth what they're paying him?"

Jared thinks of fucking Jensen's mouth, obscene pink lips curled tight and hot around his cock, and he gives a blissed-out sigh. "More." His phone beeps and Jared checks it, sees call waiting from Jensen. "Shit, sorry, Chad, gotta go." He switches the call to Jensen and says, "Hey, thought you were gonna be trying to catch up on your sleep?"

"Yeah, total bust," says Jensen. He hesitates and Jared's really fucking sure he can hear him wet his lips because it does something weird low down in his belly. "Can I come over?"

"Sure! Want me to come pick you up?"

Jensen laughs. "Uh, no, I can still handle driving myself places, thanks. And… uh, I'm actually right outside your door."

It takes Jared a moment to register what Jensen's just said. Then he gets up, walks over to the door, opens it and raises an eyebrow at him. Jensen flips his phone closed and shrugs. He's flushed, got a six-pack tucked under his arm.

"And what were you gonna do if I was out?" Jared says, smiling and holding the door wide for him.

"Drink me some beer and wait 'til you got home?" Jensen offers. He laughs again and moves past Jared, gaze roaming over Jared's living room - and Jared is immensely grateful to his mom for teaching him to pick up after himself. Nothing to be ashamed of when the only junk in the room is an empty bottle of beer and the cables of a PS2 controller snaked across the floor.

"I thought, maybe, poker?" Jensen says. He fishes a tattered deck of cards from his jacket pocket and sets them down on the table.

Feeling oddly like he hasn't caught up, Jared nods and clears away a pile of magazines to make some space. He takes the beer Jensen passes him and then starts to deal the cards, all too aware of Jensen's gaze on his hands.

The air feels warmer with Jensen in the room, tighter around Jared's body. It's a crazy kind of tension between them because Jared knows what it feels like to have Jensen trapped up against him, what it feels like to kiss him. But none of that has to happen. They're still in that weird No Man's Land between friendship and fucking.

They haven't even finished playing a hand when, all of a sudden, Jensen peels his t-shirt off. And he's fucking gorgeous, just like Jared's always known he is but still gets surprised by every time. He looks at Jared, jawline clenched, fingers straying towards his belt buckle.

"You mean this ain't strip poker?" he says, in response to the wide-eyed uncertainty on Jared's face. His voice is curt, almost unfriendly, and Jared's belly flips right over as he realises Jensen's nervous.

"Oh, yeah!" says Jared, obliging and keen. "This is definitely strip poker. I forgot. So you should definitely… strip." Jensen's unbuckled his belt and is undoing his fly. And then his jeans are coming down his thighs and Jared says, "I won, didn't I?"

Jensen laughs and scratches his nose in amused embarrassment. "You tell me."

He's perfect naked. Jared can only stare at him for a long moment, stares at the definition of muscle under smooth, pale gold skin. Jensen lets him look, worries his plush lower lip between his teeth as he watches closely for the response on Jared's face.

There's something exquisitely arousing about Jensen making his offer in such vulnerable and honest terms. This is what he's offering. It's up to Jared if he wants to take it.

Jared lets out a small huff of breath and holds a hand out to him. And Jensen comes to him, slides into his lap and straddles him, pliant and suddenly shameless. He's a lithe, warm weight spread out over Jared and it's ridiculously awesome for Jared to have him completely naked in his lap when he's still fully-dressed himself.

Putting his hands on Jared's face, Jensen leans in and kisses him deeply, drawing Jared into it with soft strokes of his tongue and his lips parted filthy-wide for him. Jared catches Jensen by the shoulders, fingers splayed wide over warm, bare skin, and holds him steady as he fucks into his mouth with his tongue.

Finally, when they draw apart, Jensen bites at his kiss-swollen lips and tilts his head at Jared. "Maybe I should apologise in advance for when I'm not gonna be able to help jumping you in public."

"I think I'll forgive you," Jared says graciously and rubs the fullness of Jensen's lower lip with the pad of his thumb. He traces the curve of Jensen's spine, fingers skimming over the skin until he's got one hand spanning the small of his back. "I wanna fuck you," he says. "Is that- can I? Please?"

He watches anxiously as Jensen's eyes slam shut and his jaw falls unhitched. Then he drags in a breath, looks at Jared and gives him a wry smile. "Man, I'm sitting on you, butt-naked. Yeah, you can fuck me."

"Bedroom then," says Jared. "No way I'm fucking you on my couch. It'd totally screw up my thrusting."

Jensen snorts but climbs off Jared and pulls him to his feet. As soon as he's standing, Jared curls his arms around Jensen again because he thinks it's gonna be damn near impossible to keep his hands off Jensen for more than a second at a time now he's got first-hand experience of just how fucking good it feels to be touching him. Fortunately, Jensen seems to be on the same page because he wraps his arms around Jared's neck and pulls him down for another kiss.

They walk awkwardly, in a tangle of bodies, to Jared's bedroom and while Jensen gnaws at Jared's jawbone, Jared tries to find the light switch at the same time as cupping the high, round curve of Jensen's ass, letting his fingers peel the cheeks apart to rub at the hot, secret skin of his cleft.

He rides Jensen down onto the bed and groans, ragged and out of it, when Jensen brings his thighs up around him, ankles crossing against Jared's back. He has a desperate need to be out of his clothes, it's like he's hot and buzzing under the skin. Jensen's cock is pressing wet against his t-shirt, his hands sliding up under the fabric to skim over his back, blunt nails scraping and scratching.

"You know you've been driving me totally crazy, right?" Jensen murmurs in between nibbling along Jared's collarbone. "Been so fucking desperate for you to just fuck me. Just… God, anyone touches me lately and I just- just close my eyes and pretend it's you." He catches Jared's mouth and kisses him again, fingertips resting under his chin. "S'nothing like the real thing."

"I could'a told you that," Jared says. "Jesus, gotta get these fuckin' clothes off."

He rears up and is able to get his sweat-damp t-shirt over his head and makes a move to get his jeans off too but gets distracted by the intense attention Jensen, and Jensen's lips, are paying to his chest. He gets so caught up in the hot, sloppy kisses Jensen is mouthing in a path from his solar plexus to his belly that he can't even think of doing anything beyond holding himself up on his forearm and letting him.

Then Jensen moans and cants his hips up against Jared and Jared can see there's a small, slick puddle of precome on Jensen's flat belly already from his leaking cock. The air stinks of sex, heady and dark, and Jared remembers just how far he's allowed to go.

He wants to know if Jensen will moan when Jared puts his cock in him, he remembers his frustrated, petulant whimpering when he tried to take Jared's cock all the way down his throat and couldn’t and Jared wants to know if he'll sound like that when Jared's riding him right across the mattress.

He wants Jen to get fucked, good and hard, by someone he's actually chosen.

It's a sudden moment of clarity. Beyond the fact Jared desperately wants Jensen pressed slick and warm into the bed under him, Jared wants Jensen to have this. This has to be good.

"Jen, baby, lemme go," he says, lays a tender kiss on his mouth, tip of his tongue swiping over his lips in just enough of a promise that Jensen's legs go slack and let him free.

Jensen lies, quiescent and quiet on the bed - on Jared's bed - watching as Jared strips off his jeans and collects lube and a condom from the drawer. His eyes are inhumanly green, his lips dark and wet. His thighs stay spread for Jared and Jared settles on his knees between them when he's ready.

Gently, he takes hold of Jensen's foot, cupping the heel in his palm and kisses Jensen's ankle, chaste and reverent. He sees the ripple of Jensen's sudden rush of breath go through his belly.

"This is how you should be loved," he tells Jensen firmly. "You should be fuckin' worshipped, Jen."

"Jared." It's nothing but a whisper, like Jensen can't manage anything else. It's enough. His name on Jensen's lips like that. More than enough.

"Let me," says Jared. He moves over him, propping himself up on one hand by Jensen's face as he slicks his fingers up. "Let me… God, I've wanted you for so long." He rubs at Jensen's asshole, circling the tiny tightness of it before easing a finger into him, where he's clenched so hot.

Jensen brings his legs wider apart. One hand braced against the sheet, he grabs the back of Jared's neck with the other hand and pulls him in to put his mouth to his again. And Jared can feel what he's doing to Jensen just by fingering him open for his cock in the way Jensen writhes and twists through the kiss.

"Fuck me, Jay," Jensen says, his voice slurred. "Waited so fucking long for your cock, been so fucking patient, c'mon please fuck me, please…"

"Almost, almost."

It's hard to not be touching Jensen but Jared only has to get the goddamn condom on his dick and then he can be fucking him and that's… that's gonna be just perfect. He rolls the latex down and then crawls back over Jensen, covering his body with his own, marvelling at how small Jensen seems beneath him when he's all needy and desperate for cock.

"Gonna fuck your ass so good, Jen, baby," Jared tells him. "Gonna get right up inside you, gonna be feeling me for weeks."

An almost incoherent litany of pleasepleaseplease is slipping past Jensen's lips and Jared kisses him quiet, biting and licking at his mouth. There's something fiercer in the way he kisses Jensen now. Right now, he needs Jensen to just let him do this.

"Just let go," he whispers, before he sucks Jensen's lower lip into his mouth. "Lemme take care of you, just let me love you."

They both go still. It's the word. Jared falters slightly because that word isn't something he wants to go near yet. It exists in relation to Jensen, living quietly in the back of his mind, waiting for when Jared thinks he can use it and not have Jensen cut him right out of his life like he did Carl. Which isn't yet.

But Jensen just grabs Jared's shoulder and arches up to kiss him. He keeps kissing him, insatiable and acting like Jared's mouth is his personal property. He only stops when Jared makes him, pulling away laughing and breathless.

"Can't keep kissing you. Wanna fuck you," Jared says. He arranges Jensen how he wants him, hooking Jensen's legs over his shoulders and bending him damn near in half so he can push down on top of him. The head of his cock slides along the crease of his ass. "Get distracted by your mouth… Jeez, Jen, your fucking mouth."

And then he presses into Jensen's body, pushes past the resistance until his cock sinks smooth into his ass and is clenched in all that moist heat. Jensen makes a high, shaking sound, mouth going slack, and Jared kisses the delicate skin of his inner thigh, trembling as he tries to go slow. But the closer he gets to being buried balls-deep in Jen's ass, the harder it gets to think of anything besides fucking him senseless. And then pinning him down until his dick's stiff enough to do it all over again.

"I can take it," Jensen says. "Fuck me, please, s'what I want… I want you to fuck me, Jared, please."

There's no way Jared can refuse a plea like that. No way in hell. His hands are sweat-slippery, peeling the tight cheeks of Jensen's ass apart so he can see his cock shoved up snug in Jensen's body, his ring stretched and glistening. He draws his hips back, watches his cock slide out inch by thick inch, the condom slick and shining. Then he tightens his grip on Jensen's haunches and slams back home.

Jensen positively vibrates under him. His whole body goes taut, his ass reflexively snapping vice-tight around Jared's cock. Jensen's hands scrabble at the sheet, at whatever they can reach of Jared, trying to find purchase. Something to hold on to.

Which is kind of a waste of time because Jared starts fucking him so hard he's driving Jensen right up the bed with the force of it. And Jensen just fucking takes it. He folds himself in two for Jared, ass tilted up for him and his eyes fixed on Jared's face, pupils blown so there's only a thin ring of green around the black, watching Jared move on top of him, into him.

Jared doesn't know how long he can last with Jensen gazing at him like that, like anything Jared chooses to do is gonna be just fine by him, like Jared can do no wrong.

His thrusts turn sharp and shallow, the sound of his balls slapping Jensen's ass with each jerk of his hips ringing loud with the gasps and pants of their breathing. His brain won't function right. All that matters is fucking Jensen. Jared's chest is pressed flush to the backs of Jensen's thighs and their skin rubs slick and hot. His rhythm, already stuttering, falters further as he pauses to sling Jensen's knees over his shoulders again after they start to slip.

"Oh God, Jen, so fucking close… you're so fucking perfect, feel so fucking good…"

"You're fucking swearing a lot," Jensen forces out breathlessly.

Jared pauses, midway through grinding his hips against Jensen's, absolutely fascinated by the way it makes Jensen writhe. He catches the expression on Jensen's face and laughs.

"Want me to stop?" he says, curling his fingers around Jensen's straining cock, biting down on his lip when he sees the blinding want in Jensen's eyes.

"Want your fucking tongue in my mouth."

Obligingly, Jared crushes his mouth to Jensen's, fisting his cock hard as he fucks hard and deep into Jensen's ass. Jared comes just seconds before Jensen, the air going hot and fuzzy around him, his vision crackling at the edges. He goes on jerking Jensen off, hand working mindlessly on him while he rides the sensation out. Jensen's gasping against his mouth and Jared can't stop kissing him, even if it's sloppy and messy.

Jensen comes all over his hand and his own belly and it takes a while for Jared's brain to get with the program and stop his hand moving. In fact, it takes a while for Jared to register that he's got Jensen neatly folded in half under his full weight. It's all kinds of awesome that Jensen is apparently too fucked out to notice that he's being crushed to death. But Jared doesn't think killing Jensen, even in post-coital bliss, would be in anyone's best interests, and manages to roll off of him.

He gets rid of the condom while Jensen straightens out with an audible sigh of relief. The whole issue of whether Jensen's going to stay or whether he's going to get up and leave is nagging at Jared and he's not sure how to approach it. He wants Jensen to stay. He just doesn't know if out and out saying it is a good idea.

So he tackles it directly, albeit without talking about it, and tucks Jensen in against his side, drawing his legs up under his and wrapping an arm over his chest to surround him with his body.

"You're a cuddler," Jensen mumbles. "Should'a guessed."

"Shut up, you love it," Jared says.

Jensen laughs but doesn't argue the point. He turns his body, just ever so slightly, towards Jared's.

Jared falls asleep with his lips pressed to Jensen's temple.


On waking, Jared's brain tries to tell him that last night didn't actually happen and was, in fact, a supernaturally vivid wet dream. Because, Jared's brain informs him, there is absolutely no way that he could actually have had mind-blowing sex with Jensen. Things that awesome don't happen.

It is not as successful as it might be, because Jensen is still wonderfully naked and curled up around him. There's sunlight flooding in through Jared's half-drawn drapes and it slants over Jensen's face. He is ridiculously pretty, and Jared's fingers hesitate only a second before they're stroking along his cheek and jaw, revelling in simply being allowed to touch.

Jensen stirs, frowning sleepily, but Jared can't stop touching him, smiling even as he wakes him with his fingers skating over his face. Jensen's eyes open, muzzy but so green, fix on Jared, and a smile spreads across his face, wicked and sweet all at once. And the last knot of doubt, concern, whatever, loosens inside Jared's belly.

"You wanna take a shower while I get coffee? There are cleans towels in the cupboard in there," he says, and he kisses Jensen, for no reason beyond the two best: he wants to and he's allowed to. The kiss is lingering, even through the sourness of morning breath. Jensen catches Jared by the shoulder to hold him steady as he pushes up towards him.

"Mmm," Jensen says finally. "Coffee. Thanks."

Jared scrambles from the bed and tugs on his shorts. As he heads out of the door, he turns back, for just a moment, to appreciate the sight of Jensen, mussed-up and sleepy, in his bed.


After coffee and an impromptu session of making out like horny teenagers, Jensen drives back to his own place to get ready for his appointment that afternoon, leaving Jared two and a half whole hours to kill until he can see him again.

He tries to keep himself busy: stripping the soiled sheets off his bed and replacing them with fresh ones, putting the coffee mugs in the dishwasher. He thinks about calling Chad because he really wants to spread the happy. But he gives it up as a bad idea. He knows there's no way he'd be able to come out of the conversation sounding anything other than hopelessly besotted. Which, though fine by him, would probably upset Chad.

Finally, he sprawls out on his belly on the couch and wallows in pure contentment for the rest of the time.

He arrives at Jensen's ten minutes early and finds him wearing a neat, black suit. Catching his immediate urge to wrap Jensen's tie around his fist and use it to drag him away from the mirror and in for a kiss instead, Jared stuffs his hands in his pockets and grins at him.

"So, uh… last night."

Jensen raises an eyebrow at him but it's hard to take seriously when he clearly has to work hard not to smile. "Must have missed it," he says airily. He finishes at the mirror and starts towards the door. "Too distracted by your cock. Which was in my ass."

"You noticed that, huh?"

Jensen's gaze lowers meaningfully and Jared has a moment of flustered arousal. "It was kind of hard to miss," Jensen says when he looks back up at Jared's face. He bites his lip and seems like he's about to say something but can’t find words to string together into what he means.

"So I was thinking, maybe, so things don't get awkward," Jared says, trying to sound nonchalant and failing due to kind of blurting it out, "that we carry on like normal while we're working. I won't, y'know, try to kiss you or anything like that. And then when we're not working, we can…" He's abruptly not sure where he's going with that but Jensen's nodding, like he's relieved.

"Yeah. Good plan, man. When we're not working, we can… Yeah."

As Jared walks with Jensen out to the Porsche and climbs in, he wonders when he became a tongue-tied teenage girl with her first boyfriend. Things should be easier; they're both adults, both know what they're doing. Jensen's a very expensive prostitute, for crying out loud, with some years' experience at handling these kinds of situations.

Except, Jared thinks out of nowhere, this isn't just about sex.

"Huh," he says, fingers stilling on the keys waiting in the ignition, and grins.

He drives Jensen to his single appointment of the day, which is the first threesome Jared's ever seen him take. It's with two businessmen, still in their suits as they wait for Jensen in the hotel suite, sipping champagne and laughing together quietly. From the differing ways Jensen greets them, Jared guesses one of them is a regular, and the other is new. They're polite, civilised and Jensen seems comfortable enough in their presence.

When he goes back down to the lobby, Jared doesn’t open up his Sudoku as usual. Instead, he sits there, and tries to work out how, if at all, his feelings about Jensen getting fucked for money have changed. They're more than friends now. Jared's mind circles the idea he might be in love with Jensen but doesn't commit. And now Jensen is being shared by two middle-aged guys, with nothing to recommend themselves to him aside from being rich enough.

Yeah, okay, Jared can admit, even to himself, that he's less mellow about it than he was before they had sex. But that's fine, he reassures himself. It's no big surprise. Of course he doesn't like other people buying Jensen. Of course he's going to be a little more possessive, a little more worried about whether they're treating him right. And, okay, so he wasn't exactly unconcerned before. It's all right. Jared's aware of how he feels and that's the big thing, right?

He's not going to screw this up.

So he's able to smile all friendly and casual at Jensen when he turns up two hours later. He doesn't get at all growly when he registers the faintest of limps when Jensen's walking.

"It all go okay?" he says.

Jensen nods, looking a little distracted, and Jared ducks his head to catch his eye. When he's got no choice but to look at Jared, Jensen pastes on a smile but it doesn't sit quite right.

"Yeah, went fine," he says. "You gonna take me home now?"

It feels off somehow and Jensen's quiet on the drive back to his house. Jared's heart drops to the vicinity of his belly, his grip on the steering wheel turning slightly slick with sweat. Maybe Jensen spent his time as a party favor this afternoon considering just how awkward a relationship with Jared would be.

They get to Jensen's in the suburban bustle of the rush hour. His neighbor is just arriving home as they pull up outside Jensen's. He's cut to the same template as the two guys who were just fucking Jensen, very respectable and staid. He gives Jensen a friendly wave when he sees him before he disappears into his house, the excited yapping of a dog greeting him home.

Maybe Jensen thinks his life is complicated enough. Jared stares at the neat houses and equally neat lawns. The afternoon has mostly faded into evening, subtle and golden-orange. Jared waits for Jensen to carefully and gently explain that this was a mistake. And he'll be okay with that, once he gets over the first bitter rush of unhappiness.

But Jensen leans in and murmurs, "We're not fucking in the car, Jay," right in his ear. Which somehow still isn't right but isn't a rejection either. Plus his tone of voice is kind of hard to resist.

So he follows Jensen into his house and the door's barely even properly closed before Jensen's pushing him up against the wall, shoving his hand down the front of his pants. Jared grips Jensen's wrist, gasping as each flick of Jensen's fingers on his cock snaps through the tiny bones of his hand.

And even with Jensen pushing up on his toes to lick and nip at Jared's lower lip, it's wrong. Jensen's wrong. And Jared could just go with it - because jesuschrist but Jensen could reduce him to a quivering puddle of flesh with a single hand - but something's wrong.

Through short, ragged groans, Jared manages a nonono and tightens his grip on Jensen's wrist. Jensen's hand goes still and it's mildly easier to think straight, even if the fact he's still touching Jared's dick and he's all flushed and wild-eyed is totally distracting in its own way.

"What?" Jensen says in a small huff of breath. He's still so close, Jared can feel the lines of his body matching up against his own.

"There's something… you're not okay. You haven't been okay since being with them. Did- did they do something to you?" Jared'll slaughter them if Jensen even gives the slightest nod. He'll slaughter them.

But Jensen just stares at him for a beat and then his face smoothes into a smile. He laughs but it sounds pretty much the same as a sigh.

"No, Jay, they didn't do anything like that. I'm just… I'm really fucking tired, all right? It's been a really busy couple of days but, uh… well, I wanted you to hang out with me tonight." He flushes and gives Jared a sharp look, daring him to tease him about it.

Jared just blinks at him. Then he says, "And you thought you had to have sex with me, even though you're dead on your feet?" He grins and pulls a face. "It didn't occur to you that maybe I could spend time with you, while keeping my cock in my pants?" He lays a light kiss on the bridge of Jensen's nose. "Anyone ever tell you you're completely sex-obsessed?"

"Anyone ever tell you you're a ginormous pain in the ass? Because someone should."


They end up in the bathtub together. It's just about large enough to be comfortable for Jared to cradle Jensen between his thighs in the water, knees drawn up and Jensen's back against his chest. He expects Jensen to bitch about it, to mock him for being a hopeless romantic for being satisfied with just this. And maybe Jensen will, but later. Not yet.

Right now, he relaxes back against Jared and they watch the steam rise off the water together. There's a serene hush in the air, emphasised rather than broken by the tranquil sweeping of the water when either of them shifts.

Idly, Jared's fingertips slide over the smooth, wet planes of Jensen's body. He's aware of Jensen's heavy-lidded gaze following the path of his hands, and each time he hears one of the sighs or pleased intakes of breath that Jensen gives when he particularly likes how Jared's touching him, he finds himself smiling.

As time passes, the quality of the light in the bathroom changes from the hazy burn of an evening to the paler, clearer shine of night. Eventually the water starts to grow cool and rather than let go of Jensen, Jared puts his foot on the faucet and uses his toes to turn the water back on.

Jared can feel his heartbeat slowing to a sedate crawl and he tongues at the curve of Jensen's ear, grinning when Jensen tries to duck away.

"Stoppit," Jensen mutters drowsily.

"Are you going to sleep?" Jared says. "C'mon, man, you can't go to sleep in the tub."

With plenty of grumbling and a little splashing, Jensen allows Jared to manhandle him out of the bath. He stands on the bathmat, dripping, as Jared shamelessly gropes him under the pretence of towelling him dry. Jared's good humor slips for just a second when he notes the reddish-purple smears of fresh bruises on Jensen's skin here and there but he doesn't linger over them.

After Jared's bundled Jensen into bed, he lies down beside him and studies the room. It's the first time he's been in Jensen's bedroom and he's surprised to find that it's much messier than downstairs. There are clothes left out in piles all over the place, an assortment of cups with the dregs of coffee staining the bottoms, an untidy stack of unopened junk mail. Chad's more of a slob but Jared's surprised that Jensen competes pretty well in those stakes.

He wants to ask if this is how the room normally looks or if he's just been too tired to clean up but Jensen's falling asleep next to him even as the seconds pass. Jared looks back at the state of the room.

Carefully, so as not to disturb Jensen, Jared climbs off the bed and gets to work.

part seven
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