Winter Challenge

Dec 13, 2010 18:30

Heh, three weeks later, I finally go “Oh, shit! The challenge! Post it dumbass!” Yeah. Sorry about that. LOLAnd despite the lack of response last time (with the exception of hellsangelscurse, who whooped some booty with her fic!) We’re doin’ it again! Why? Cause we’re STUBBORN DAMMIT! :DYou love us.
The challenge this month is...

Winter Fun!

Toss Megatron into a snowpile. Have Maggie pelt Ironhide with snowballs. Draw Jazz doing figure eights around a wiped out Bumblebee while Spike laughs his puny human ass off. (that’s a personal favorite haha)

To reiterate the challenge rules: (this is still a trial, so it might not be a permanent thing, remember)
Submissions must involve canon characters only. The characters can only be from Transformers but no original characters this time around.

The reason for that change? For this month, we're trying out anonymous entries. Instead of posting your entry straight to the community, post it as a comment to the Entry Submission Post (ooooooooh, submission. Kinky) All comments on that entry will be screened. I will then be posting your entries to the comm as I receive them. Authors and artists will be revealed in the winner announcement post. So, make sure I know who you are when you send in your entries, but don't post them straight to the community as you have with previous challenges.

Any stories that are posted elsewhere before the challenge and voting is over will not be accepted. This means submissions should be created for this challenge specifically. Art submissions can be put up on a photobucket, flickr, or similar account - not deviantart - and a link left in the submissions post. Also, sorry, but telling people that you entered will also count as cheating.

While we're talking about us being mean and disqualifying things, the point of this community is for interaction between humans and robots (with such interactions happening "on screen," as it were, as opposed to merely the mention of it happening). If we feel there isn't enough focus on human/robot interaction happening in your submission, it won't be accepted.

Now, on to the usual stuff:


Fic: 500+ words. Legible. Please do spellcheck. Lol (cuz re3ding badly speld fic suxx0rs)

Art: try to give us something more than stick figures, lol. Sketches are good, with or without color. Digital art is fun too.

In the spirit of the community,  it MUST involve a human and a bot in the starring 'role'. 
Het and slash are both fine
As are all universes/continuities
OC's are not allowed this time
Use appropriate warnings
Previously written and/or drawn submissions will not be accepted.

Submissions must be made as comments to The Kinky Submission Post

As usual, you have one month, so all entries must be in by .... I need a calender... uhhhh. Ah! January 10th! The Votey Poll will be open for one week.

Art and stories will have separate polls, and there will be a winner declared for each.

As always, we're looking for ideas for future challenges! You can post them here.

123 snowangels GO!

goddamn lj made the indent all screwy!  *grumble*  ... hey!  this works..  the fuck?

ps:  I've never really screened comments before, so tell me if I fail. LOL

challenge: winter fun

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