I can't easily write drabbles and my drabble ideas are too easy anyway: mundane observations stretched to a hundred words. That said, I wish I wrote drabbles because the current
prompt at
31_days, mostly taken from Marlowe, would make a lovely set of Woxin drabbles. (*Mostly* taken from Marlowe. It wasn't Kit who said "Money can't buy love, but it improves your bargaining position.")
Feb. 1- “Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?”
Feb. 2 - “What feeds me destroys me”
Feb. 3 - “Hell hath no limits"
Feb. 4 - "When all the world dissolves"
Feb. 5 - "And hold there is no sin but ignorance"
Feb. 6 - "The justice of my quarrel"
Feb. 7 - "Virtue is the fount whence honour springs" (Ahh, Wen Zhong)
Feb. 8 - "Accursed be he that first invented war"
Feb. 9 - "Yet let me kiss my lord before I die"
Feb. 10 - "And are for ever damned with Lucifer"
Feb. 11 - "Confess and be hanged"
Feb. 12 - "The sweet fruition of an earthly crown"
Feb. 13 - "That time may cease and midnight never come"
Feb. 14 - “Our swords shall play the orators for us”
Feb. 15 - “Money can't buy love, but it improves your bargaining position”
Feb. 16 - “Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss”
Feb. 17 - “All places are alike, and every earth is fit for burial”
Feb. 18 - "Infinite riches in a little room"
Feb. 19 - "And every creature shall be purified"
Feb. 20 - "Clad in the beauty of a thousand stars" (and a few feathers)
Feb. 21 - "Love me little, love me long"
Feb. 22 - "My heart is hardn'd, I cannot repent"
Feb. 23 - "Honour is purchas'd by the deeds we do"
Feb. 24 - "I cannot read and therefore wish all books burned"
Feb. 25 - "What are kings, when regiment is gone?"
Feb. 26 - "We deceive ourselves"
Feb. 27 - "What shall I do to shun the snares of death?"
Feb. 28 - "Time doth run with calm and silent foot"
Feb. 29 - "Come give me my soul again."
The last Woxin disk remains. I have hopes I'll be allowed to stay home today, with its forecast 25 cm of snow (that's 10 inches south of the border) and watch-- in between bouts of shovelling the nasty white stuff, of course. Fingers crossed that people decide not to go in to work and keep their kids with them: except this being Toronto, pigs will fly first.