(LAYOUT 05 →) white dwarf.

Dec 30, 2010 21:38

Still waiting to reach that magic 200 number.
Well, this is my last update for the year. Hopefully y'all liked all these ridiculous updates this holiday season. I've updated like 6 times this month. See you in 2011.

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theme: monochromatic (b/w or gray), theme: minimalistic, !stylesheet: flexible squares, #livejournal layouts, theme: simple, style: light

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Comments 12

kurobaa January 16 2011, 05:33:32 UTC
Gorgeous; using, thanks! :)


fleuri January 31 2011, 01:51:20 UTC
using! thanks!


apricotsushi February 24 2011, 06:42:10 UTC
Love this! I've just applied it to my journal. One question, though: How do you enter text in the header? Sorry, this is my first time trying something like this


katden March 24 2011, 04:24:56 UTC
I used this layout (and gave credit :D), but I've neglected a step somewhere ... the width is all wrong and I can't see the border. Any idea what I did wrong?


(The comment has been removed)

katden March 24 2011, 11:55:23 UTC
Aha! Apparently copy/paste was too complicated for me :P Thanks so much!


isdarkhere July 16 2011, 01:06:38 UTC
i loved
future use =D


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