(LAYOUT 015/016 →) Black Smog and White Smog.

Jul 02, 2011 17:28

So. This is the end of my black and white flexible squares series. I swear, unless you want more...? But the next layout coming up is definitely colorful, trust me. :)

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theme: monochromatic (b/w or gray), theme: minimalistic, !stylesheet: flexible squares, feature: vector/art, #livejournal layouts, feature: background

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Comments 15

incandescent July 3 2011, 01:35:44 UTC
They're both lovely. I've like White Smog the best, and I've memmed this for future use. Thank you so much! ♥


fleuri July 3 2011, 04:09:06 UTC
I love your layouts sooo much, memming


flyssa July 3 2011, 06:37:49 UTC
These are so pretty! *___*


amorphic July 3 2011, 09:31:50 UTC
Love these, especially Black Smog -- I think it's the birds. XD


chodai July 3 2011, 15:39:33 UTC
these are lovely! <3


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