..which might be regarded as a little less than professional.
... but it is a good thing I don't do his job; if the context that this took place in is as reported, I'd have lost it much earlier.
More on the Panorama Scientology program
here (it's video in either WMP -ptwagh! or Real Player format).
Comments 5
Scientologists = scary fuckers.
this is a perfect example of why religion scares me. :/
He later explains/describes in another video clip his actions.
The Co$ are masters of trauma-based mind control. They are (alegedly) very experienced is haranguing people into retracting criticisms, backing down.
I applaud the guy for being to survive being in what seems to have been a totally immersive environment, the main aim of which was to impose a certain way of "thinking".
I think that they are most likely a dangerous group of people. They operate a tight hierarchy which crushes any opposition and operate (just) on the edge of what is legal.
If you had said that 50 years ago people would've thought of major league organisations like the mafia.
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