I thought I'd do a bit of showing off today (cause I finally got some more stuff for my Rogue shelves). I've spent so much money on action figures and junk, it's not even funny. One day, I went to four different K-Marts, even two each an hour away, to find the set with Tricks (which I eventually found on ebay)
It's kinda like one of those picture
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Comments 6
I, well...I always open my action figures. Because I'm nuts. I want to take picture of them in stories and compromising positions and such...but I never have time :(
I like how you sort of have little normal items that symbolize them. Lighter, lol! I'd name them off, but I want to let everyone have a shot!
Also: that is one huge box of heroclix there. And the Flash doll scares me.
And the big Flash doll came out of a Wal-Mart crane machine. First try, and first time I've ever won anything out of a crane machine. It's like it was fate. <3
Seriously. Kudos!
I've got that Weather Wizard figure and was wondering what set he was from. One of my dolls was toting him around in her purse for a while, and I took photos of him riding a My Little Pony. He is a figure full of dignity and such. :'>
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