First of all, we get the cover to Flash #1 (possibly notable because it has a chalk outline of a body, and the first storyline is called "The Dastardly Deaths of the Rogues"). And there's a bit about the upcoming "Brightest Day" event -- you can see more about it in other entries on the DC blog
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Comments 23
Gambi for the win!
Whut? Is he just confirming that the guy has the details right?]
pretty much.
"Thank you, dear comic book reader, you successfully connected two stories. Kudos.
And no, we haven´t thought about that at all.
"The Dastardly Deaths of the Rogues"
please let that be a reference to either resurrection of BLs or the previous Rogues´deaths - UU etc.
No killing Rogues here...ok, you can have Evan. Grodd. Plunder. Girder.
the rest stays exactly where they are, safe, sound and not dead!
Roscoe and JJ will probably be back. Roy and Digger, I'm not sure about.
JJ and Axel - I´m not sure - I´d love to have JJ back, but two Tricksters don´t coexist. Axel and JJ yes, two Tricksters - no.
I think Roy is a good guess for resurrection.
Maybe "Johns" decides to make Len happy by resurrecting his sister.
Digger is borderline for me because I wonder if anyone at DC wants him back. He has a hip young successor who's surely more popular, and Johns has dissed Digger in the past. And you'll notice he hardly used him during his Flash run.
Roy falls into the same category of "does anyone at DC want him back?", and Johns has also personally dissed him (and killed him). However, he expressed regret for this, so who knows.
Johns specifically said Cold is more interesting with Lisa dead (and he dissed her costume). While he may have changed his mind, I think this one is pretty clear.
Roscoe comes back all the time anyway, so he's a lock. I imagine he'll also be an antagonist for Cold.
Thanks for posting!
The more I learn about this new Flash series, the more I have doubts about it. Barry, Barry and more Barry. No Wally, no Bart... But the Rogues. Gambi ! Some hope to at last have the brotherhood between Bart and Owen developed...
But maybe more deaths among the Rogues ?
Anyway, I'd like to know, what do you guys think about Geoff Johns ?
Personally, I'm happy to see more of Gambi, Milos Forman was right when he said that it's the secondary characters that really count, so to see a minor character LIKE Gambi (:]) who has been lost in canon return is great to me. However, the Barry-centric nature of upcoming events I am not at all pleased with. I personally felt that Wally became THE Flash and overshadowed his predecessor. Maybe it's because when Wally was the only Flash in town we saw popular merchandise and cartoons. Plus, the prospect of a Rogue death seems pointless, but that is case with most DC deaths over Didio's run.
Our call for questions happened before it broke that the Wally West co-feature you were doing with Scott Kolins had been dropped from "The Flash" ongoing. Why the change?
I explained this a little bit on my boards, but with all the re-thinking of the co-features, they want to keep "The Flash" at $2.99 because the price point is getting a little crazy. That doesn't mean that you won't see the story that Scott and I have been working on.
If you look at how "Green Lantern" rolled out and the universe grew, it'll be a little closer to that, but we just want to do it a little more organically and smarter. We want to make sure we're getting everything right.
I told you so. :D
So not the end of the world, you gais. We still get to have our Wally cake and eat it too.
(I already had it uploaded...)
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