Vampassassin Title: Cognac
Summary: ... It’d taken years and years, but Yassen had finally gotten revenge, gratification in its finest form…
Rating: T. Swearing and violence.
Notes: Alternative to Ash’s fate in the series.
Word Count: 824
Cognac )
Comments 6
But the whole Yassen condeming Ash thing... Well yes, it's hipocrasy to a certain degree. But Yassen condemning Ash for his work is also Yassen trying to generate a righteous desire for revenge, or to put it simply, Yassen's merely trying to think of how bad Ash is so that it's easier for him to pull the trigger.
Anyway, thankyou to all of you guys again, I can't say enough how you all make writing these things totally worth it :)
I think I'm possibly a little bit disturbed by Yassen and his 'low, wild laughter with a hysterical edge' and his sadistic chuckle.
But it was deffinatly a really good take on the prompt
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